Youth group YNAC submits 100,000 signatures, supporting marijuana to be turned into a drug.


Ministry of Public Health, Mr. Yosakorn Khunpakdee, coordinator of the Youth Network for Marijuana and Narcotics (YNAC), has submitted a letter to Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Minister of Public Health. They have collected 100,000 signatures supporting marijuana being reverted to being a drug. Mr. Yosakorn said that when the signatures were first announced, I didn't think it would reach 100,000 people. It was shocking that in just a few days the numbers rose to tens of thousands of names per day. Therefore, a total of 100,000 names were collected that had been screened for incorrect names and duplicate names. Today, some names along with links to all names have been sent to the Minister. In this regard, I would like to represent many people. The person who signed and told the government that In society, he encountered many problems. I want marijuana to go back to being a drug. Because there is still nothing guaranteed. or can actually protect youth who are vulnerable groups According to the information, marijuana affects children's IQ and growth. and matters of law in enforcement Today, we have come to submit one hundred thousand signatures to encourage the implementation of this policy of amending the ministerial regulations to return marijuana to a drug. He wants action to be taken quickly, with 100,000 signatures as support for the government to carry out this policy smoothly. Mr. Somsak said that I have received the letter. It is the government's approach that thinks the same. Amending laws or amending various ministerial regulations announcements I've never seen so many people paying attention to this. It was considered a phenomenon because the meeting period was only a few days. Having 100,000 people express their support is considered hot. I will do my best to travel a middle path that will allow marijuana to be controlled. Specifically, it is clearly a recreational drug. Source: Thai News Agency