World Population Day 2023 focuses on gender equality to achieve SDG


This year's World Population Day, July 11, is themed "Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world’s infinite possibilities”. In Vietnam, gender equality and empowerment of women and girls have been receiving great attention from the Party, State, departments, mass organizations, and the whole society.

Gender equality has always been a major goal of the Government. It is an important task in the socio-economic development strategy and building a prosperous, democratic, fair, and civilized nation. Over the years, Vietnam has carried out many activities to promote gender equality and gained important achievements.

According to the Vietnam Women's Union, the percentage of female deputies to the 15th National Assembly is 30.26%, 3.46% higher than the previous tenure and the highest from the fifth Assembly. Vietnam ranks 62nd of 190 countries having a high rate of female lawmakers.

The rate of female wage earners is 48.3%. The ratio of women-owned enterprises reaches 26.5%, while 26.5% of total enterprises of Vietnam are led by women, bringing Vietnam to the ninth position among 58 countries reviewed at the Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs 2020, and the second among Southeast Asian nations.

Vietnam is internationally recognized as one of 10 countries that have well implemented the sustainable development goals of promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls.

Source: VOV5