“Wisanu” reveals “Thaksin” can be a party member, not considered to be dominating.


Government House, "Wisanu" points out that "Thaksin" can help the government if it is not a political position, stating that he can be a party member, not considered to be dominating, saying that if he adheres to this constitution, he cannot return to be the prime minister. Mr. Wissanu Krea-ngam, advisor to the Prime Minister, talked about the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, the former Prime Minister who will be released from prison in August, whether he will be able to come and help the government or not. He said that if the government asks him to help, he can do so like any other ordinary person, except for things that the constitution prohibits, such as not being able to become a minister. As for other things, he can do so, but he does not know whether Mr. Thaksin will come or not because in listening to Mr. Thaksin's interview, he did not say that he would come, he only said that he would come and help. In order to be able to help in many positions, it is not necessary to have any position in the govern ment. He can have a floating position like himself. As for whether Thaksin will be able to hold the position of advisor to the Prime Minister, Mr. Wisanu said that he could, if not in a political advisory position, but as an imaginary advisor. When asked again whether the position of advisor to the Prime Minister has any limitations, Mr. Wisanu said that there are none. If there were, he would have been included. Mr. Thaksin can be a special representative of the Prime Minister, but only on a temporary basis. However, he cannot be appointed as a trade representative. It will be in the nature of the Prime Minister assigning him to perform a mission instead. He may send him to that country and return temporarily. He wants to discuss this matter before August and then know whether he will be asked to help or not. Then we can talk about whether it is possible or not. If you ask now, it is difficult to answer the 370 advisor positions. As for whether Thaksin can help the Pheu Thai Party, Mr. Wisanu said that he can because it is an internal matter of the party, which is like a private entity. When asked if he believes that there will be no problem of party control, it is necessary to see whether Thaksin is a party member or not. If he is a party member, it cannot be called control. But if he is not, then we have to see what he is doing. When asked if Thaksin still has a pending case under Section 112, Wisanu said there was no problem at all. All party members and executives have cases, so there was no problem. He also said he was not banned from holding a position in the government. As for the question of suitability, let's first know what Thaksin is doing and what he is, then we can talk about whether it is possible or not. When asked whether Thaksin's appointment would not confuse the public about how many prime ministers there were, Wisanu said that he did not see any confusion. Reporters were confused by themselves, and he thought that he did not feel that way. In the past, there were similar incidents, or inf luential people in the party came out to help the government. For example, during the coup, both during the NCPO and the NPSC, when he held the positions of both prime minister and NCPO leader, as well as during the period when General Sunthorn Kongsompong was prime minister, and the power of the NPSC leader was greater than the prime minister's. In the future, will Thaksin return to the position of Prime Minister or run for election again? Mr. Wisanu said that he could not if he followed this constitution. However, if there was a new draft, that would be another matter. Source: Thai News Agency