Warning to teenagers to stop risky behavior during Valentine’s Day


Chiang Mai, Doctors warn teenagers to stop risky behavior. Prevent sexually transmitted diseases during Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. Meanwhile, AIDS still finds nearly 10,000 new patients per year. Dr. Suraphan Saengsaeng, Director of the Health Center for Ethnic, Marginalized, and Migrant Workers Remind teenagers, who are a group that values ??Valentine's Day more than other ages. Especially having sexual relations without restraint and without protection. Be careful of sexually transmitted diseases. both SPV viruses By statistics of AIDS patients in Thailand Even though there is a downward trend But numbers from the Department of Disease Control Nearly 10,000 new cases are still found per year, with nearly half among teenagers aged 15-24 years, and 80 percent of new infections are male. The most common cause, more than 96 percent, is due to unprotected sex. Source: Thai News Agency