Vietnam with prospects for deeper participation in global chip supply chain


Vietnam aims to become a leading country in ASEAN and East Asia in chip production, with deeper participation in the global production and supply chain by 2030, according to an expert.

Nguyen Quan, Chairman of Vietnam Automation Association and former Minister of Science and Technology, said the upgrade of the US - Vietnam relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership is a favourable condition to open up opportunities for the chip industry's development in Vietnam.

Vietnam did not have a chip industry in the past because it was not self-sufficient in materials, and lacked technology as well as investment to carry out chip projects, he said. He believed that with enhanced collaboration between Vietnam and the US, many large enterprises in the field of semiconductor and chip will come to the Southeast Asian nationn to cooperate and do investment, contributing to developing the local semiconductor industry.

According to Quan, although Vietnam has strong research groups in terms of chip design, it does not have enough resources for chip testing, large-scale production and commercialisation. However, the country’s chip industry will see robust growth in the coming years as there will be opportunities brought by cooperation between local and foreign technology enterprises.

Besides, domestic technology enterprises need to join the process as a key force to realise chip research and commercialisation. Taking FPT as an example, he said the firm, with financial potential, strong research teams and experience in software and information technology development, could take its advantages to invest in researching, designing, testing, manufacturing and commercialising chips.

According to him, opportunities and prosperts for Vietnam in the field is bright. The country might face difficulties in technology transfer, testing and production in the first few years, but it will overcome when it catches up with the global supply and production chain.

The country must demonstrate to the world its capacity and human resources in the semiconductor industry, he said.

In addition to international resources and investments from the world's major enterprises in this field, Vietnam needs to prepare internal resources and investment capital for chip research and production.

Vietnam must affirm its determination and consider the semiconductor industry as a breakthrough in the country's industrial development, he added.

Source: Vietnam News Agency