Vietnam, ILO sign decent work country program until 2026


The Decent Work Country Program Vietnam until 2026 was signed in Hanoi on Tuesday by representatives of the Vietnamese Government, workers, employers, and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

The program provides a cooperation framework for the ILO and Vietnamese partners until 2026, with a view to ensuring decent and sustainable work for all by 2026, Vietnamese people, especially those at risk of being left behind, will contribute and benefit equitably from a sustainable, inclusive, and gender-responsive economic transformation based on innovation, entrepreneurship, enhanced productivity, competitiveness, and decent work.

It means people will benefit from inclusive, gender-responsive, disability-sensitive, equitable, affordable and quality social services and social protection systems, move further out of poverty, and be empowered to reach their full potential.

President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor Nguyen Dinh Khang said he believes the framework is responsive to the needs of Vietnam and the Vietnamese Trade Union toward realizing the goal of decent work for everyone.

Source: VOV5