Vietnam creates optimal conditions for investors, says Ciputra President


Vietnam provides the most optimal conditions for foreign investors and more Indonesian businesses are showing their interest in Vietnamese market. Ciputra President Budiarsa Sastrawinata made the comment after attending the Vietnam-Indonesia forum on policies and laws to promote economic, trade and investment cooperation in Jakarta on Saturday.

Mr. Sastrawinata also hailed the messages in the speech by the National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue to the business community, which promise trust and optimism for investors.

Mr. Sastrawinata said: “This is an important speech which covers clear roadmaps and favorable conditions for investors in Vietnam. Ciputra Group has many investment projects in Vietnam, especially in Hanoi. Vietnam has created the best conditions for us to operate business in the country. At the Vietnam-Indonesia forum on policies and laws to promote economic, trade and investment cooperation, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue reiterated Vietnam's policies to create favorable conditions for Indonesian investors. Indonesian businesses will have more specific roadmaps for investment and look forward to positive results in the coming time”.

The Ciputra President also said Vietnam has great potentials to attract investors and Ciputra is considering to expand its investment in Vietnam.

Source: VOV5