Vietnam asks China to respect Vietnam’s national sovereignty in East Sea


Vietnamese Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Spokeswoman Pham Thu Hang has re-affirmed Vietnam’s national sovereignty and sovereign and jurisdiction rights over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos. 

She ruled out all Chinese militarization of structures on those archipelagos, saying that those activities violated Vietnam’s national sovereignty and international law. She commented on news report that China has completely militarized several structures on Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago:.

Accelerating militarization of several structures on Truong Sa archipelago not only violates Vietnam’s national sovereignty but also worries the international community as reflected in ASEAN documents, not benefiting security, peace and stability in the East Sea. Vietnam asks China to respect Vietnam’s national sovereignty and stop militarization while not increasing regional tension and should maintain favorable condition to join the ASEAN efforts to promote negotiation for an early finalization of the Code of Conduct in the East Sea in an efficient and practical manner in line with international law and the UNCLOS,’ said Hang.

Ms Hang reiterated that Vietnam had sufficient legal ground and historical evidence to ascertain its national sovereignty over Truong Sa and Hoang Sa archipelagos in line with international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Regarding a Filipino judge’s proposal that his country and others, including Vietnam hold joint patrol in the East Sea, the Deputy Spokeswoman said: “Vietnam always wants to cooperate with other countries for peace, stability, security, safety, cooperation and development in the East Sea on the basis of international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea for common interests and aspiration of regional countries and the international community.”

Regarding the 7th Vietnam-China national defense border exchanges scheduled for late April, the Deputy Spokeswoman said exchanges between Vietnam and China at all levels and between different localities and agencies have been maintained. This will be a meaningful event to strengthen mutual trust and understanding for joint management and protection of both countries’ border guards in particular and armed forces in general for peace, stability, cooperation and development.



Source: VOV5


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