Vietnam aims to be in top 40 innovative countries by 2030



-Vietnam’s goal to be in the top 40 innovative countries by 2030 is defined in the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation Development. 

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam on Wednesday signed a decision to issue the Strategy, which defines science, technology and innovation’s important role in developing spearhead industries, focusing on the processing and manufacturing industry, and turning Vietnam into a modern industrialized country by 2030.

According to the Strategy, by 2030, the proportion of high-tech industrial products in the processing and manufacturing industries will reach at least 45%. Enterprises are identified as centers; the State performs the role of coordinating and creating the institutional environment.

The Strategy targets an average 10% increase of international publications, 16-18% increase of patent applications, and 12-14% increase for plant variety protection applications every year.



Source: VOV5

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