UN agencies boost humanitarian aid for quake-hit Syria, Turkey


The United Nations and its agencies will continue delivering aid to victims of last month's Syria-Turkey earthquakes, a UN spokesman said on Thursday. Farhan Haq, the deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said at a regular briefing in New York that more than 53,000 suspected cholera cases and 23 associated deaths have been reported in Northwest Syria as of last Sunday.

3.7 million children in earthquake-affected areas across Syria are facing the risk of contracting diseases and lack access to basic services, said Haq.

He added the UN’s partners launched a cholera vaccination campaign in earthquake-hit areas of Northwest Syria on Tuesday and plan to distribute 1.7 million vaccines in high-risk areas. More than 200,000 people were given safe water and hygiene kits in reception centers.

According to Haq, the Syria earthquake Flash Appeal has received 218 million USD, or 55%, of the nearly 400 million dollars needed.

Source: VOV5