The Prime Minister is ready to give his full policy statement to the parliament.


The Prime Minister is ready to fully explain his policies to the parliament, asking them to help count after being insulted that he would not be in office for a full year. Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, said that in the policy statement to the parliament tomorrow (September 12), she will announce the overall policy and will assign the ministers involved in each policy to explain in detail so that the information can be clearly given to the public and there will be no doubt. The Prime Minister confirmed that he will explain to the parliament meeting tomorrow that he will do his best. Although the opposition has reserved many debate slots, after the policy statement, he will focus on helping the people with the flood first. As for whether it is necessary to have a bodyguard to protect the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister did not answer but said "Oh!" and laughed. There are allegations that the Paethongtarn government cannot count its term in years and should instead count it monthly. Whether it will survive or not, the Prime Minister said briefly, let's count together. Source: Thai News Agency