The Prime Minister appoints a special committee to manage the unrest situation in Myanmar.


The Prime Minister signs an order from the NSC appointing "Panpree" as the chairman of the ad hoc committee to manage the unrest situation in Myanmar. Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance As the Chairman of the National Security Council (NSC), he signed NSC Order No. 1/2024 regarding the appointment of an ad hoc committee to manage the situation due to the unrest in Myanmar. The contents of the order book are as follows: Currently, the unrest situation in Myanmar tends to become more severe. which may affect Thailand in many dimensions Both security, economy and society, especially the problem of irregular migration. Border fighting and border trade is disrupted which directly and indirectly affects people's lives and national security To drive government policy Both in relation to diplomatic operations, security, economy and public communication. Including managing the situation in the Thai-Myanmar border area. It was neat and efficient. Including being able to achieve the goals set out in a concrete way. By virtue of Section 11 of the National Security Council Act B.E. 2016, the Prime Minister, as Chairman of the National Security Council Therefore, there was an order to appoint an ad hoc committee to manage the situation due to the unrest in Myanmar. with elements Duties and powers are as follows: 1. Mr. Panpree Phitthanukorn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs being the chairman of the board 2. Mr. Sihasak Phuangketkaew, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs is vice chairman of the board The committee consists of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Director of the National Intelligence Agency, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Police, Director-General of the Department of Public Relations, Director-General of the Department of International Organizations, and Director-General. Department of East Asia with the Secretary-General of the National Security Council Being a committee member and secretary Including assigned NSC officials is a committee member and assistant secretary The duties and powers of this committee include monitoring, inspecting, evaluating, and analyzing the overall situation related to Myanmar that may affect Thailand. both in the foreign affairs dimension Border trade and economic dimensions Dimension of stability including the role and attitude of foreign countries international organization and related private sector organizations Screen and give opinions and suggestions regarding the determination of measures. or guidelines for integration and coordination of government agencies government agency and related agencies In taking steps to protect and maintain national interests in solving problems and impacts arising from the situation in Myanmar. Especially in the Thai-Myanmar border area. This includes the necessary proactive diplomatic acti on. To support peace in Myanmar To be consistent with foreign policy economic policy National policies and plans on national security including related strategies or plans To the National Security Council Prime Minister or Cabinet, as the case may be. It also expedites and follows up on the driving and operations of government agencies and state agencies. In complying with policies, guidelines, or measures that the National Security Council The Prime Minister or the Cabinet determines, conducts public relations. Clarify or disseminate information related to government policy in various dimensions regarding the Myanmar situation. Both in terms of diplomatic operations, security, economy, and solving problems in the Thai-Myanmar border area. Let the public be informed in a timely manner. Including reporting the results of operations to the National Security Council. Prime Minister or Cabinet For an appropriate period of time, appoint sub-committees, working groups or assign relevant officials. To support the p erformance of duties as necessary and appropriate In this regard, take any other actions as determined by the National Security Council. The Prime Minister or the Cabinet assigns, to government agencies, government agencies, state enterprises and related officials. Cooperate in clarifying information, submitting documents, and taking other actions as determined by the Special Committee for Managing the Situation Due to Unrest in Myanmar. and disbursement of meeting allowances or other expenses related to management necessary for the work of the ad hoc committee to manage the situation due to the unrest in Myanmar. Subcommittee or the working group appointed according to this order It shall be in accordance with the Royal Decree on committee meeting allowances, B.E. 2004, or according to government regulations, as the case may be, by disbursing it from the budget of the National Security Council Office from now onwards.-316.- Thai White House Source: Thai News Agency