The police expect to send the case of “Am” to the prosecutor early next month.


Bangkok, May 19 – Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Police expects to summarize all 15 cases of “Am Cyanide” and send them to prosecutors early next month. As for the testimony of "Am", the investigators did not believe it. because it still gives back and forth divert the point

Colonel Anek Taosupap, deputy commander of the suppression Revealed the progress of the investigation of the "Am Cyanide" case that overall, the Crime Suppression Division will collect all 15 idioms in such cases. to prosecute the accused to the public prosecutor which from meetings with many agencies Both the Provincial Police Headquarters, Region 7, the Evidence Division, etc. Currently, each locality that accepts Am case. Most of them are in the area of responsibility of the Provincial Police Region 7 and the Sheriff's Department. They are in the process of examining important witnesses such as officials from the Factory Department, etc., and examining evidence. accuracy in rhetoric by next week The working group will start laying out the timeline. and a meeting to examine the case together in detail again All 15 cases are expected to be summed up for the prosecutor to order the case around early June 2023.

As for the testimony of "Am", the investigators did not believe it. Because he went for further interrogation in the Central Women's Correctional Institution many times also keep going back and forth divert the point Exonerate yourself from guilt, such as claiming to bring cyanide from Mr. Dae Or claiming that the cyanide "Koi" ate it himself. And although the accused now still refuses to kill others but confirmed that the police were seeking evidence from many parts to supplement the case Can connect to all the accused. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency