The Court of Justice organizes a Thai youth project One Heart, Generation 8


The Court of Justice continues to move forward. “Thai Youth Project One Heart, Generation 8" increases immunity in morality and ethics. Fostering the consciousness of children and youth from the three southern border provinces Through knowledge and understanding of the rights and duties of a good citizen in society according to the basic legal context.

Mr. Thani Singhanat, Secretary-General of the Office of the Judiciary, said that the current world is changing rapidly in every aspect, whether economic, political, and social, which has a direct and inevitable impact on everyone. Including children and youth. Because they have to grow amidst this dynamic of change. and must be aware of a variety of information Affects the decision to take a certain action. Or it may be instructing children and youth to commit crimes without their knowledge. Especially children and youth in vulnerable areas such as the three southern border provinces. Therefore, it is the duty of every sector in society to help recommend correct practices and build appropriate immunity for children and youth to grow. Be a good and quality adult in society

The Court of Justice recognizes and recognizes the importance of youth, so it has organized the “Thai Youth Project. Same Heart (Belia Thai Sejiwa Sehati) 8th edition" takes place between 27 January - 2 February 2024 so that children and youth in the southern border provinces have the opportunity to participate in activities aimed at strengthening immunity in every aspect, focusing on Strengthening consciousness to have morals and ethics and gaining correct knowledge and understanding of the law, rights and duties related to children and youth. Including court proceedings and judgments It is to prevent children and youth from committing crimes without their knowledge. This is in line with the goal of the Court of Justice, which is to create a peaceful society and also to help children and youth expand the knowledge they have received to create networks in their own local areas that will be beneficial and bring peace. Return to the community in which you live and the country in a sustainable way.

“Thai Youth Project one heart It is another important project that is in line with the policy of "Reliant, Just, Equal, Worldwide" of Mrs. Anocha Chewitsophon, President of the Supreme Court. which has been announced since assuming the position The Office of the Judiciary therefore strictly implements the said policy. Whether it is the administration of justice equally and equitably To allow all groups of people to have equal access to the justice process with the same standards. Personnel and technology have been developed to keep pace with changes in the world so that the Court of Justice can truly be a refuge for the people,” Mr. Thani said.

The Office of the Judiciary would like to invite young people aged between 15-18 years who are currently studying at the high school level or equivalent. in educational institutions Which is located in the southern border provinces, namely Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat provinces and 4 districts of Songkhla province, namely Chana district, Nathawi district, Thepha district and Saba Yoi district. or have domicile in the southern border provinces, namely Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and 4 districts of Songkhla Province, namely Chana District, Nathawi District, Thepha District and Saba Yoi District. Apply to join the Thai Youth One Heart Project, Batch 8. Details can be found at the website. Information and Public Relations Division Office of the Court of Justice or Thai youth Facebook page one heart Or ask for more details at Tel. 0 2541 2927 or 0 2541 2329 during official days and times (Monday - Friday, except public holidays and public holidays, between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.).

Source: Thai News Agency