Suan Dusit Poll reveals the results of a survey of Thai people concerned about PM 2.5 dust and believes the government cannot fix it.


Suan Dusit Poll surveys public opinion on "Thai people and PM 2.5 dust" with 48.89% being concerned and most believing the government will not fix it. Got 74.53%

How worried are people about the PM 2.5 problem? quite worried 48.89% Very anxious 41.58% Not at all anxious 8.19% Not anxious 1.34%

The problem of PM 2.5 dust is likely to become more severe. What is the cause? It was found that farm burning, forest burning, forest fires were 79.04%, industrial plants 70.65%, construction 68.42%.

Methods for dealing with the PM 2.5 problem were found to be dealt with by following news and guidelines from the government: 78.72. Wearing an N95 mask or a mask that filters PM 2.5 dust is 76.14%. Reduces outdoor activities by 62.42%.

Field burning and forest burning occur every year at 82.87%. The sources of pollution are diverse. both from humans and the environment 69.22% construction of large projects Continuously occurring 66.28%

There are strict control measures and penalties at 85.89%. There is an effective notification, measurement, and reporting system at 80.45%. Promoting the use of renewable energy. Reduce emissions by 69.55%

Will the government be able to fix the PM 2.5 dust situation? Most of them, 74.53%, probably won't be able to fix it. and can definitely be fixed 25.47%

Ms. Kanika Aunjit, Deputy Spokesperson for the Office of the Prime Minister Mentions the case of Korat farmers in many areas. There is awareness of the current PM 2.5 dust situation. This is the sugarcane crushing season. Farmers are gradually harvesting sugarcane production. They mostly focus on cutting fresh sugarcane instead of burning it. Normally, the harvest season coincides with the dense PM 2.5 dust situation. Cutting fresh sugarcane will not only solve the dust problem, but It can also make you sell sugar cane at a good price. and has quality because sugarcane will be sweet

From the results of the Cabinet meeting (Cabinet), there was a resolution to approve financial support for cutting fresh sugarcane in the project to support sugarcane farmers. After cutting good quality fresh sugarcane to reduce PM 2.5 dust, sugarcane farmers will receive financial support for cutting fresh sugarcane at 120 baht per ton. It is estimated that there are 140,000 sugarcane farmers participating in the project to help relieve the suffering of sugarcane farmers who will start Payment can be made in January 2024.

NIDA Poll revealed the results of a public survey on "increasing the salary of civil servants and the minimum wage." From the survey, when asking about people's opinions on increasing the salary of the first group of civil servants within 2 years, it was found that 48.93 percent of the sample said it was appropriate. Next, 28.63 percent said that the salaries of all groups of civil servants should be increased, whether they are first entering the government or have been in government service for a long time. 13.66 percent said that civil servants' salaries should not be increased right now. 3.74 percent said that the increase was too little. 3.51 percent said that increased too much and 1.53 percent said they did not answer or were not interested

Finally, when asked about people's opinions on the proposed increase in the minimum wage, At an increase rate of 2-16 baht, it was found that 35.11 percent of the sample said that the minimum wage should be increased at the same rate in all provinces, followed by 28.40 percent that the increase was too little, 28.32 percent that it was appropriate, and 6.18 percent. stated that the minimum wage should not be raised now; 0.84 percent said it was raised too much.

Source: Thai News Agency