Student Loan Fund issues certificates of honor to recognize outstanding reimbursers.


Bangkok, The Student Loan Fund has issued 2.9 million certificates to borrowers with outstanding repayment records. It is a confirmation that Have good financial discipline Providing educational opportunities for the younger generation Mr. Chainarong Kajchapanan, Manager of the Student Loan Fund, revealed that the Fund has now created certificates to give to 2.9 million borrowers with good repayment records as a thank you. and is an encouragement to senior borrowers who are delivering valuable educational opportunities to juniors. By dividing borrowers with good debt repayment history into 3 categories: Category 1: Excellent Borrowers: Borrowers who have never defaulted on their debt even once. and has already closed the account status Category 2: Excellent Borrower Group: Borrowers who have made repayments and have already closed their accounts. Category 3: Good Borrower Group: Borrowers who are in the process of repaying their loans back to normal status. (not overdue) which is in the process of continuo us payment. There are many borrowers who have received the opportunity to study and have a good future. Have a good job in both government and private agencies. as well as benefiting society and the nation The Fund therefore invites borrowers who have the above qualifications to log in to download certificates at the website. From now on The certificate of honor given to borrowers shows that they are responsible and have financial discipline. and can be used to receive special privileges in activities according to the conditions set by the Fund. 'The Student Loan Fund has been lending money since 1996 until the present. There are a total of 6.8 million borrowers, borrowers who have never defaulted on their loans. If you come to pay off the debt and close the account, you will receive a 3% reduction of the principal on the date of payment of the debt and closing the account. The Fund believes that every borrower who receives educational opportunities is an important force in making benef its to society. Especially borrowers who have a sense of responsibility and good financial discipline. To create educational opportunities for students Younger students will continue,' said the fund manager. Source: Thai News Agency