State President attends the Great National Unity Festival in Dien Bien Ward



On the occasion of the 92nd anniversary of the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s Traditional Day (November 18, 1930 – November 18, 2022), Politburo member and State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended the Great National Unity Day on November 14 in the inter-residential area of ​​Dien Bien ward, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi.  

At the event, Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Dien Bien ward Nguyen Dinh Dang said that in the past years, the ward’s economy has been growing along with the material and spiritual life of the local people.

There are no more poor and near-poor households in the area, he said.

Responding to campaigns and patriotic emulation movements, the residential community of Dien Bien ward has made great efforts and achieved good results in many fields. In particular, in 2022, Dien Bien ward was highlighted as an example in terms of urban discipline and civilization; many models are built effectively; the authorities mobilized the participation of  people from all strata to overcome difficulties, contribute resources to build models of “greening the stumps” on  Nguyen Thai Hoc street and  “building a civilized urban population group No. 8”. Those movements have received positive response from people, agencies and units in the area with the contributed amount of hundreds of millions of dong.

In addition, the people of Dien Bien ward have actively joined forces and unanimously performed the task of fighting the pandemic and participating in economic development. Locals jointed hands with the whole country to actively contribute to support the Vietnam Sea and Island Fund with nearly VND60 million and raising money for fund for the poor to carry out social security work with a proceed of nearly VND127 million.

The Fatherland Front Committee and its member organizations have coordinated with the Ward People’s Committee to deploy activities with the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance in the community; actively build cultural families, cultural neighborhood groups, implement disease prevention and control, environmental sanitation, ensure security and order, fire prevention and fighting, propagate the law, and mediate conflicts at the local level. Up to now, 98% of  the families in the whole ward are cultural families, all eight residential group earned the title of cultural residential group.

On behalf of the Party and State leaders, Chairman Nguyen Xuan Phuc expressed his joy and excitement in joining the Party Committee, the government and the people of Dien Bien district to celebrate the occasion of the Great National Unity Day. Reviewing the glorious history of the Fatherland and the precious tradition of unity of the nation, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc said that under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnam Fatherland Front has united people from all strata, multiplying the patriotism and spirit of solidarity of every Vietnamese, turning it into a powerful force to fight against foreign invaders, regain the independence of the Fatherland and bring freedom and happiness to the people.

According to President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, the annual Great National Unity Day is an opportunity for all levels of Party committees and authorities to meet, contact and listen to people’s opinions; capture people’s thoughts and aspirations; discuss, exchange with the people to develop solutions to effectively implement all political tasks, socio-economic development, national defense and security, thereby enhancing social consensus and consolidating the people’s great unity bloc, building people’s trust in the Party committees and authorities at all levels.

Nguyen Xuan Phuc emphasized that Dien Bien ward has a very special position at the center of Hanoi, where Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum and headquarters of the Party and State are located, the place where the nation’s historical, cultural and revolutionary values ​​converge.He also praised, recognized and appreciated the fact that in 2022, Dien Bien ward was selected by Ba Dinh district to build it into an example ward for urban civilized discipline.

The State President also acknowledged and highly appreciated the leadership and direction of the Hanoi Party Committee, People’s Council and People’s Committee in supporting, coordinating and creating favorable conditions for the Front levels of the Capital to complete their respective tasks.

The President believes that, with the tradition of solidarity and the joint efforts of all classes of people in the area, Dien Bien ward will continue to be a bright spot in the implementation of patriotic campaigns and movements of the country in Ba Dinh district and Hanoi.



Source: Ha Noi Portal

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