Smart Recycling Hub turns waste into resources to drive a sustainable economy.


The government and private organizations join forces to develop a system to recover waste materials to create value, starting the Smart Recycling Hub project, piloting Bangkok to expand to the EEC, applying circular economy principles to solve pollution problems from waste materials. And turning waste into resources to drive sustainable economic growth of the country.

Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) in collaboration with Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), Bangkok (Bangkok), Eastern Special Development Zone Project (EEC), government, business, civil society cooperation projects To manage plastic and waste sustainably (PPP Plastics) and private sector-governmental networks Announced a collaboration under the project "Smart Recycling Hub: Building Plastic Circularity Ecosystem" aiming to manage waste plastic and recycled materials at the source. Prevent waste generation and escape into the environment. And transformed into high quality raw materials to be circulated in the production process of various industries.

The Smart Recycling Hub project was developed to promote the circular economy. Under the national agenda of the BCG Economy Model, it will establish Thailand's first Circular Economy Innovation Center to manage and process recycled materials (Material Recovery Facility: MRF). And aims to bring plastic waste back into the system at least 50,000 tons per year. In the first phase, it will study the feasibility and design the infrastructure of the prototype center in Bangkok and the EEC area in 3 provinces, namely Chonburi, Rayong and Chachoengsao. And will use the information to plan for the construction of the Circular Economy Innovation Center. Prototype in the next pilot area

Circular Economy Innovation Center Plastics and recycled materials will be handled upstream and fully processed to turn them into high-quality raw materials. that can be circulated endlessly in the recycling industry Add value to scrap materials and make money

This cooperation Occurs from the merger of more than 20 alliances led by the Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) ), Public Private Partnership for Sustainable Plastic and Waste Management (PPP Plastics), Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR.), Institute Plastics, Bangkok and AEPW members in Thailand are Dow, SCGC and INSEE Ecocycle and their stakeholders in the development and implementation of the project.

AEPW CEO Jacob Duer said AEPW is a not-for-profit organization. with a mission to prevent plastic waste from contaminating the environment It is delighted to see the strong commitment and collaboration between governments, the private sector and civil society in advancing the development of circular plastics systems. We are ready to support this project to raise the level of plastic waste management in all dimensions while preserving the environment. This project will be considered an ecosystem model. Circular economy innovation for the complete management and processing of recycled materials The first in this region

In this regard, I am very impressed to see the development of this important project until it is shaped by the cooperation of all sectors. It is clear that through strong cooperation we will successfully transition to a circular economy, which will lead communities and the global community towards true sustainability.

Mr. Pornprom Na.S. Vikitseth, Advisor to the Governor of Bangkok (Environmental) said, “Bangkok has a goal of pushing Bangkok to be "Bangkok is a clean city" which is one of the important policies of Bangkok that has launched a campaign "No dumping" to invite people. and every sector Participate in separating organic waste from general waste. Recycled materials and dry waste, therefore, the cooperation of all parties this time Therefore, it is an important point in promoting the policy and extending the project of Bangkok to create value for waste materials and play an important role in taking care of the environment correctly and systematically, making it possible to reduce waste problems and budgets for management in another way as well. ”

Dr. Chutima Iamchoticwalit Governor of the National Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (W.W.) said Integrating the cooperation of potential organizations into alliances The establishment of the center this time will help strengthen and lead research. Technology and innovation of Thai people has been extended to real use. To create a prototype circular economy innovation center that is fully integrated, bringing benefits to the environment and the community. Sustainable economic development occurs. In line with the BCG Economy policy and the sustainable development direction of the international community.

Mr. Weera Kwanlertchit, Director of the Plastics Institute of Thailand and Secretary of PPP Plastics said, “The information obtained from the preliminary study from this project will be used to develop and establish a system and prototype in a pilot area to create a material recovery facility (MRF) for sorting and processing used materials. The success of this pilot center will be extended to other targeted areas both in Bangkok and the EEC. in separating waste materials Recycled materials and basic processing To prepare it as clean recycled material and high quality For further use.

Source: Thai News Agency