“Senator Upakit” came to the wrong event and got up to speak about himself.


Parliament, "Upakit" came to the wrong event while the Senate was discussing Section 153, but he explained that he was talking about himself, taunting "moving forward" instead of criticizing the government. Mr. Upakit Pachariyangkun, Senator Said in the general discussion under Section 153 that as he was a victim of the nefarious justice of certain groups in the justice process who uses bullying power to destroy others What they will discuss next It will reflect problems in upstream and midstream processes. of law enforcement that this government There is no serious clarity in solving the problem. Mr. Upakit pointed out that the most heinous corruption is the corruption of the justice system. For more than 1 year and 4 months, he was a victim of politicians. and political parties who play politics in order to compete for state power Claiming to be a new generation Claiming to overthrow every structure in Thai society. to hope for a majority vote to form a government He would like to ask how Thailand got t o this point. Society questions the sanctity of the law. Confidence in the performance of the duties of investigators and prosecutors in criminal investigations 'Prison is not just for holding people who commit crimes. There is discrimination in the law, the police, some senior prosecutors. Working together to slander innocent people bullying people Without shame, without morality,' Mr. Upakit said. Mr. Upakit also said that our country, many years ago, There is an abnormality. Political parties with subversive policies Do whatever you can to erode the pillars of the country. The conspiracy theory that caused him to be accused of being an A-list senator in the "Tun Minlat" case, which the court dismissed, caused his family to suffer. and has severe suffering consequences from being unfairly accused Who hasn't experienced it themselves? It's probably hard to understand. Mr. Upakit further said that his relationship with "Tun Minlat" is a delicious plot point of Western propaganda. and anti-Myanmar governmen t media Adding color to eggs creates fake news. which has connections with some Thai media agencies in attacking the government and some political parties It's a conspiracy network. Mr. Upakit believes that the information he has been accused of There is definitely a hidden political agenda. to destroy people's faith in the previous government and used for campaigning during elections Fortunately, this political party Not a government Because of the size of the opposition The true essence of various falsehoods is gradually emerging for the public to see in many matters. When he only has power to be the chairman of the commission, he uses this mechanism to put pressure on those in the justice process. In hopes of harming yourself The conspiracy of a group of people who slander themselves. They are all people who have the same subversive process. People who like to accuse others Attacking the husband and wife council Looking back at the time they did it themselves. 'What kind of society is this? that allows p eople to create images Pretending to be an ideology Falsely claiming freedom public benefits Entering into an opportunity in political society Even though I am suing for defamation, I have legal rights. Spread the word that he sued to keep his mouth shut. He likes to claim that principles of justice That is, as long as the case has not yet reached its conclusion. It is assumed that the accused is innocent, but in his own case, he acts like a vigilante. and the judgment has already been made,' Mr. Upakit said. Reporters reported that While Mr. Upakit was discussing, Mr. Supachai Somcharoen, 2nd Vice President of the Senate, who was the chairman. He interrupted and said, Discussion about this government Or an outsider made Mr. Upakit The answer is yes. He was going to link it to the justice process. Because it's one chance that he will have a chance to speak and defend yourself. Source: Thai News Agency