Scientists warn of major surge of COVID-19 this winter


The COVID-19 pandemic has hit 221 countries and territories around the world, resulting in 226.7 million infections and 4.7 million fatalities, according to on Wednesday. 

In the past 24 hours, the US led in the number of new infections (113,000) and new deaths (1,700). It was followed by Turkey, India, the UK, and Iran in number of cases. In number of deaths, it was followed by Russia, Brazil, Malaysia, and Iran.

Scientists are warning the world to brace for more of what we have been through. The pandemic won’t end until everyone gets infected or fully vaccinated.

According to the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota in the US, the world could see another surge this fall and winter. With billions of people around the world still unvaccinated, we can expect more transmissions in classrooms, on public transportation, and in workplaces over the coming months, as economies push ahead with reopening.


Source: VOV5

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