Sad! Ban Khlok Fire “Bed-ridden patient” dies


Bangkok: In Ratchaburi Province, a tragic incident occurred: a fire in a raised wooden house burned a 94-year-old grandfather who was a bedridden patient to death. In the middle of the night, Photharam Police Station received a report of a fire in a raised wooden house in Ban Lueak Subdistrict, Photharam District. When they arrived, they found that the house was burning heavily. Because the house in question is a raised wooden house. Therefore making it a good fuel. After helping Sawang Ratchaburi rescue workers Mrs. Watcharee, age 78, was successfully brought out of the said house. She was not injured, but it appeared that the grandmother informed her that she still had an older brother. Another person was in the house, a firefighter. Therefore hastened to spray water to extinguish the fire at full power. until the fire was under control But it takes up to 30 minutes. When you go to check. They found the body of Mr. Pin, 94 years old, who was a bedridden patient. He was tragically burned to death. I asked a neighbor and he told me that before the incident, he was sitting and eating food. Then people in the house heard a loud explosion behind the house. So I went out to see. I found that Grandma Watcharee I walked out to ask for help. So I hurriedly called. Notify officials Luckily, Grandma survived, while Ta Phin was unable to help himself. So he died in the fire. And if the fire was not put out in time, all the houses in this area would probably be destroyed because this community is almost entirely made up of wooden houses that are connected together. As for the exact cause The police have notified the Forensics Division to investigate. To find the real cause. Source: Thai News Agency