Rare turtles found in Vietnam’s Pu Hu nature reserve



Fifteen big-headed turtles and 10 impressed tortoises have been found at the Pu Hu Nature Reserve in Thanh Hoa province, according to the nature reserve’s management board on Wednesday. The impressed tortoise, scientifically known as Manouria impressa, is a member of the order Testudinata. The reptile’s legs are cylinder-shaped, its carapace is not high-lifted, and its plastron is yellow with brown fringes.

This species inhabits cracks and humid valleys that are 1,500 meters above sea level. Fallen fruit, grass sprouts, and mushrooms are their main sources of sustenance. This turtle has been spotted around the world, including China, Thailand, and Laos.

The big-headed turtle, whose scientific name is Platysternon megacephalum, belongs to the Platysternidae family. This turtle has a large head that cannot retract into its shell, a grey carapace, and a lengthy tail. Typically, big-headed turtles inhabit forest streams and feed at twilight.


Source: VOV5

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