Pushing Chum Phae Ruby Rice as GI rice for Khon Kaen Province.


Khon Kaen, Khon Kaen Organize National Rice and Farmers Day activities They used this opportunity as a starting point to push for Chum Phae Tubtim Rice. Famous rice varieties of the province as GI products and in the future will be developed to be regular rice varieties of Khon Kaen Province. Mr. Siriwat Phinijphanit, Deputy Governor of Khon Kaen, said that farmers are the majority of the country's population. which is as important as the backbone of the nation A group of people who sacrifice their heart and soul to produce food to feed Thai people and the world. Rice is a very important crop. It is the main food of the people in the country. It has been related to the lives of our Thai people for a long time. To make our farmers stable, confident and able to stand their ground is something that every sector in Khon Kaen province gives importance to and is ready to join forces to develop together. It can be seen that there are many projects that promote and support, confirming that we do not abandon our fell ow farmers. Mr. Thongchai Munkhamsri, Khon Kaen Provincial Agriculture Officer, said that the Khon Kaen Provincial Agriculture Office is carrying out a project to develop agricultural products with local identity in the high-value market to meet market demand at the international level. Activities to promote the potential of rice with the identity of the Roi Kaen Sarasin Province group to the Niche Market, with sub-activities is to organize a rice and Thai farmer day event The objective is to promote Tubtim Chum Phae Rice. This is a famous rice and Khon Kaen Province is working on pushing it to become a Geographical Indication (GI) and creates an opportunity to increase rice varieties for farmers to have the opportunity to generate income from new varieties. and can be processed into many things such as ice cream, rice milk, etc. In this regard, the properties of Tubtim Chum Phae Jasmine Rice or KB 69 that can command a high price are because it is a cross between Jasmine Rice 105 and Sangyod Phatthalung ri ce. It was first trial grown at the Chum Phae Rice Research Center, Khon Kaen Province. The Tubtim Chum Phae rice variety can be grown all year. The tree is short and does not break or fall easily. The appearance of the rice grains when cooked is red like a ruby. The taste is soft and fragrant. In terms of nutrients, High in botanical chemicals Diabetics can eat it. And helps reduce blood pressure from high blood fat. which is the result of research from Khon Kaen University At present, it is in the process of requesting registration of a Geographical Indication, or GI, for Tubtim Chum Phae rice. To further develop it into a rice variety of Khon Kaen Province. Source: Thai News Agency