Prime Minister ready to upgrade Thai passports


Bangkok, The Prime Minister orders preparation for tourism certification. Free Thai-Chinese visa Started today Along with continuing to promote international tourism. Ready to upgrade the Thai passport to travel to 35 countries/territories. There is no need to apply for a visa. Mr. Chai Watcharong, spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office, revealed that Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Aiming to reduce tourism restrictions Upgrading the Thai passport Until now, when combining measures to exempt Thai-Chinese passports from visas Permanently effective on the first day yesterday (March 1, 2024), making Thai passport holders Can travel without applying for a visa in 35 countries/territories. Spokesperson for the Prime Minister's Office Said that from the success in participating in the signing ceremony of agreements and important Thai-Chinese documents Regarding the exemption from reciprocal visas for holders of ordinary and semi-official passports on January 28, 2024, the reciproc al visa exemption measures will take effect on March 1, 2024 for holders of ordinary and semi-official passports. semi-official passport Can travel to China and stay for up to 30 days without applying for a visa. and if traveling in and out of China many times Within a period of 180 days, they will be able to stay in China for a total period of no more than 90 days. After this measure comes into effect, it is expected that there will be more international tourism. Increase economic value There was a significant exchange of knowledge at the people level. From information from the Department of Consular Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs (information 1 March 2024) found that ordinary Thai passports Able to travel to various countries and territories without applying for a visa, totaling 35 countries/territories as follows: 1) Argentina 90 days 2) Sri Lanka 30 days (28 November 2023 - 31 March 2024) 3) Brazil 90 days 4).Brunei 14 days 5) Cambodia 14 days 6) Chile 90 days 7) Ecuador 90 days 8) Georgia 365 days 9) Hainan Province of China 30 days 10) Hong Kong 30 days 11) Indonesia 30 days 12) Japan 15 days 13) Kazakhstan 30 days 14) South Korea 90 days 15) Kyrgyzstan 60 days (only 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2025) 16) Laos 30 days 17) Macau 30 days 18) Mongolia 30 days 19) Malaysia 30 days 20) Maldives 30 days 21) Myanmar 14 days (only through international airports) 22) Panama 180 days 23) Peru 90 days 24) Philippines 30 days 25) Qatar 30 days 26) Russia 30 days 27 ) Chechelles 30 days 28) Singapore 30 days 29) South Africa 30 days 30) Taiwan 14 days (1 August 2022 to 31 July 2024) 31) Tajikistan 30 days 32) Turkey 30 days 33) Vanuatu Atu 30 days 34) Vietnam 30 days and most recently 35) China 30 days 'The Prime Minister intends to raise the level of the country. and Thai people on the world stage Ready to implement policies with a concrete framework. Presenting the potential of Thailand's selling points at the international level appropriately, including accelerating measures to raise the level of prestige. and imp rove the lives of Thai people This will open the door to more opportunities for all sectors of Thailand,' Mr. Chai said. Source: Thai News Agency