President Highlights Development Potential in Phu Yen Province Visit


Phu Yen: During his visit to the south-central province of Phu Yen, President Vo Van Thuong applauded the province for its achievements in socio-economic development, national defense, security, and Party building. His remarks came during a working session with the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee on November 10.

According to Vietnam News Agency, President Thuong acknowledged the province's cultural and natural assets, including Bai Choi, a popular folklore style of singing in central Vietnam recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Phu Yen, endowed with beautiful natural landscapes, features large beaches, crystal-clear water, and fine sandy shores that stretch nearly 200 kilometers along the coast. The province is also home to numerous lagoons, bays, and unique attractions like Ghenh Da Dia, Hon Yen, Xuan Dai Bay, O Loan Lagoon, Bai Xep, Bai Mon - Mui Dien, Vung Ro, Da Bia Mountain, and Hon Nua, which significantly contribute to its tourism appeal.

Highlighting Phu Yen's potential for tourism development and its hardworking population, President Thuong emphasized the need for the province to focus on leveraging these strengths. He advised prompt completion of the provincial planning system and proper zoning of areas. The President pointed out the necessity for major projects that could create momentum for significant breakthroughs and effectively address local labor demands. He stressed the importance of administrative reforms to facilitate this process.

The President also urged for enhanced focus on new-style rural development, particularly in ethnic minority areas, ongoing Party building and rectification, revitalization of the operations of the provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, and improvements in internal affairs and justice.

In light of the objectives outlined by the 13th National Party Congress, President Thuong called for Phu Yen province to exert great effort and show high determination to meet the targets set for the current term. His visit underscores the central government's support for the province's development initiatives and its recognition of the province's critical role in the broader socio-economic landscape of Vietnam.