Pointing out that the further you go, the more you collapse, the more you grow, just a discourse.


Government House, "Bhumitham" points out that the further it goes, the more it collapses, the more it grows. Just a discourse, emphasizing the standpoint of Pheu Thai, not interfering, Section 112, pointing out that society still sees things differently. Afraid of new conflict, asked "Piyabutr" to propose reducing the power of the Constitutional Court. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Discusses views about the Forward Party There are people who think that the more it collapses, the more the party grows. That the phrase "the more it collapses, the more it grows" is a rhetoric. Will it collapse and grow or become small? depending on reality Please don't speculate. Will it collapse or not? I still don't know what kind of collapse it will collapse. Is it completely gone or not? There are many factors. Don't give too much importance. It's better to be realistic. As for the setting up of a special committee to consider and study guidelines for enacting Amnesty Act But whi le the Constitutional Court Laying down the principles regarding Section 112, is it considered a closed door or not? Mr. Phumtham said that the judgment of the Constitutional Court must be looked at. If talking about or taking action on this matter It is a matter of overthrowing the government. It is clear that the resolutions of the Constitutional Court are binding on all organizations. Might have to pick this up. But you have to look at the details. As for the Pheu Thai Party's stance on amnesty, Mr. Phumtham stated that the Pheu Thai Party has always spoken clearly about Section 112 from the beginning. that this matter can create new conflicts Because there are still many parts of the public that have different opinions. Therefore, Pheu Thai's position What matters are still sensitive? That will lead to new conflicts. And people still see things differently. You should find a conclusion first. 'If you still can't come to a conclusion. It should not be brought up. Therefore, the Pheu Thai Party has propos ed the creation of a new constitution. Without touching Category 1 and Category 2 until everything is clear. If it continues like this, you shouldn't touch it. The Thai monarchy is apart from politics. Therefore, when the situation is like this, we should not raise this matter to affect the institution. Our duty now is about the lives of the people. There are many economic problems of the country. that should be paid attention to and solved I once answered a question asked by Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, leader of the Progressive Party. By asking back: Why obsess about this? Why aren't they interested in solving problems for the people?" Mr. Phumtham said. When asked repeatedly, It shouldn't be fixed now. or was not appropriate to solve. Mr. Phumtham reiterated that he had clearly stated that it was not an issue that should be raised. Because it is still a matter of different opinions in society, do not use it to create new conflicts. When asked about the issue of amnesty Are there people involved with Section 112 as well? Mr. Phumtham said that matters relating to Section 112 should be as determined by the Constitutional Court. and take it as a basis for consideration. As for the opinion of Mr. Piyabutr Saengkanokkul, secretary-general of the Progress Committee that proposes to enact amendments Constitutional Court Act To reduce the power of the court, Mr. Phumtham said that Mr. Piyabutr is a lawyer. You have to ask for details from Mr. Piyabutr. He himself is a political scientist. I don't understand the details that Mr. Piyabutr said. But I think that everything must have a reason to support it. The entire political mechanism is a matter of principle. It is decentralization and mutual responsibility. check and balance each other And it is also a matter for the council. It is not the opinion of any one person. Therefore, the opinions of any one person are not important for society to take action on. But if it is an opinion, it should be submitted to the council for consideration, because after all, it is a repre sentative of a portion of the people. As for whether the power of the Constitutional Court is too great or not, Mr. Phumtham said he had not yet looked at the details. But I think that the court is doing its duty. Every organization has duties according to the situation and conditions. If it is appropriate then proceed and it is acceptable to everyone. If there is a problem, consider dealing with it again. but by the dynamics of change Every department, every organization can make changes according to the situation that occurs. Source: Thai News Agency