“Pita” reiterates that his morale is still good and he is ready to hear the verdict of the Move Forward Party dissolution case.


Parliament, "Pita" leaves the parliament to go to the Constitutional Court to hear the verdict in the case of dissolving the Move Forward Party, emphasizing that morale is still good, no need to worry. Mr. Pita Limjaroenrat, MP of the party list and advisor to the leader of the Move Forward Party, left the parliament building to go to the Constitutional Court to hear the verdict in the Move Forward Party dissolution case. He told reporters that he was still in good spirits and sanity. After this, he will travel to hear the verdict at the Constitutional Court. The reporter asked whether he was worried that violence would occur at the Constitutional Court, where supporters of the Move Forward Party went to give encouragement and the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) also went to observe. Mr. Pita said that he hoped that violence would not occur because he did not support the use of violence in the first place and thought that the situation would be normal. If the verdict is negative for the Move F orward Party, do you think the situation will escalate to the point of violence? Mr. Pita stated that he would not speculate on the future. We are still confident in our facts as before. And the supporters who came to give encouragement at the Move Forward Party office also believe that the incident will pass smoothly because an ambulance and a generator have been prepared. The only thing that could not be prepared was the weather. He also left a message to the Move Forward Party's fans that their morale is still good right now, so there is no need to worry. When reporters asked if fellow MPs in the meeting had given any encouragement, Mr. Pita said that there was none because everyone was focused on the Land Transport Act to decentralize power to the people so that they could have cheap public transportation. In fact, he had prepared to debate it, but it was too late. Meanwhile, Mr. Chaithawat Tulathan, MP for the party list and leader of the Move Forward Party, will join fellow MPs of the Move Forward Par ty in listening to the Constitutional Court's ruling at the House of Representatives. Source: Thai News Agency