“Phumtham” points out that they are just looking at things from different angles regarding the “Worachai-Phrommin” issue.


Government House, "Phumtham" believes that the "Worachai-Promin" issue has no communication problems. Both sides just have different perspectives. They should reflect on each other internally rather than talking through the media. They should work together with maturity. He pointed out that the Prime Minister has a lot of work but it is difficult because the problems have been piling up for a long time. Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, spoke about the case of Mr. Worachai Hema, political advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister (Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai), who criticized the Prime Minister's field visits and overseas trips, saying that it would become a problem between people in the Pheu Thai Party. He said that he thought this should not be a problem. At the moment, we are trying to understand. Mr. Worachai himself may have been aware of or listened to the problems and hardships of the people and tried to reflect them. In fact, we should reflect internally because we are not sure if all the information received is complete. And what is being done has many aspects and reasons that need to be understood in each matter. Because today, solving problems is not easy. Because the problems are a continuation of the economic situation that was not well managed and has caused problems up until now. In addition, the geopolitical situation that has led to war and the global economic situation that is having problems, which are currently just starting to recover. Therefore, solving every problem must be done comprehensively. He thinks that if all parties can calm down and sit down and talk, they will understand the problems better. Mr. Phumtham continued that Mr. Worachai may have reflected the image that the people have encountered and proposed, which Dr. Prommin Lertsuridej, the Prime Minister's Secretary, is in a position to work closely with the Prime Minister. It is possible to come out and say that Mr. Worachai does not know because he does not know everything that the government i s doing. This is taking the perspective of each person who sees and talks to weigh it together, and then the problem can be solved. He does not want this matter to drag on because in reality there is nothing. The government is already aware of this problem and is trying to fix it. When asked whether there would be a need to talk to Mr. Worachai in his capacity as an advisor, Mr. Phumtham said that all parties would have to talk, and he had already brought it up with Dr. Prommin, and he had already talked to Mr. Worachai, and he thought that this matter had to end. We should not let small issues be asked about and then expand on the opinions of each person, because this matter should be acknowledged together, not through the media. He thought that this was not right. Mr. Phumtham added that he personally thought that Dr. Prommin would have finished this matter already because he had already explained the government's part. As for Mr. Worachai, he did not want to elaborate any further. As they were working to gether, it should be over. When asked if he had talked privately with Worachai, Mr. Phumtham said that he had talked before, but he had only seen about this matter in the past two days. If it was private, he thought he would have stopped because it was a matter that had already been reflected and could be discussed. It was not that one person said one thing and another person said another. He thought that this was not working with maturity and should have stopped. Talking would only increase the country's confidence and problems, which in reality was true, both sides just saw different sides. While people have been talking about the Prime Minister's work as "good but no results" in the past year, Mr. Phumtham said that it must be admitted that the Prime Minister works hard and what he is doing is not easy because it is an economic problem that has been accumulating for a long time. Everyone knows that since he came to the government, he will definitely face serious problems because the situation has been pi ling up for a long time. Therefore, he thinks that the Prime Minister has worked to the fullest and tried to solve every point. What the Prime Minister is doing is a problem in many areas, both monopoly, the sluggish economy and the global economy, which is also affected. Everything takes time. As for me, who oversees and the Ministry of Commerce, it is not as criticized to the point of being excessive because the export figures for the first 5 months of 2024 were 2.6, which was higher than the estimated target of only 2% growth. In the remaining 7 months, it must be 2.3, which is already beyond the target. We have to look at the current trade, not the same export as before. But we are starting a new operation, which can increase expenses in another way. I think that looking at only one problem is not enough. We have to look at the overall picture because now we are moving forward and today, agricultural products are doing a lot. Working with the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, agricultural products are improving in every aspect. What the government is doing The important thing is that we need to check with the people who are the producers or not. Therefore, many problems are complicated and we need to look at other factors, not just the people's problems. Today, we have to solve the problems to the root, to solve the problems, not just let it be like this forever. When asked whether the party and the government need to communicate more from this incident, Mr. Phumtham said that they already communicate well, but there may be some discrepancies in individuals. He thinks that this can be improved without any problems. The party and the government already have their own work, such as on Tuesday, ministers from the Pheu Thai Party will go to the party meeting and ministers from the parliament will go to the parliament. On weekdays, we perform administrative duties in our own areas of responsibility. All ministers are very busy. We need a little time for us to really work because we are doing something that is a complicated problem. Source: Thai News Agency