Opening of the exhibition on revival of Temple of Literature period 1898-1954


The Center for Cultural and Scientific Activities Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam and the French Institute of the Far East (EFEO) jointly launched the “Temple of Literature: Reviving Hanoi’s Heritage 1898-1954” exhibition on February 14 at the Special National Monument of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam. The exhibition is a significant event commemorating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and France (1973-2023).

The Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Nguyen Van Phong, attended the exhibition.

The French Institute of the Far East (EFEO) was established in Hanoi in 1902 when it was the capital of the Indochinese Federation. Its mission was to conduct archeological explorations, collect manuscripts, preserve monuments, study ethnic minorities, languages, and the history of Asian civilizations from India to Japan. At that time, the Temple of Literature was in a state of disrepair and was only known to the French as the Crow Pagoda, but for the EFEO, it was an important relic. The EFEO had a close relationship with the temple for many years, and was involved in its protection, regular maintenance, restoration of its worship function, and ultimately played a significant role in it being recognized as one of the first heritage sites in Hanoi. The history of the EFEO was closely tied to the Temple of Literature until it left in 1957.

The exhibition tells the story of people involved in preserving the heritage site through a collection of Vietnamese photos from the French Institute of the Far East. It highlights their contributions to restoring the Temple of Literature to its former glory, emphasizing its strength and majesty. The exhibition not only provides insights into the work of researchers at the temple during that era, but also offers a contemporary perspective on current research. In addition, it features portraits of individuals with a passion for heritage who have worked tirelessly to preserve the site and overcome the ill effects of time on this relic.

During the opening ceremony, Do Dinh Hong, Director of the Hanoi Department of Culture and Sports, highlighted the department’s goal of transforming the Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam Special National Monument into a center of cultural and educational activities. The Center for Cultural and Scientific Activities of Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam has organized many exhibition activities in recent years to promote the value of the relic and cater to the needs of domestic and foreign tourists for sightseeing, research, and study.

The current exhibition presents a fascinating story about the revitalization of the monument and showcases the determination, passion, and responsibility of those who contributed to this effort, enabling the heritage to thrive and endure as current generation sees it today.

According to Nicolas Fiévé of the French Institute of the Far East, the exhibition offers insights into the Temple of Literature’s architectural evolution, internal life, and restoration and enhancement efforts, which were carried out with great devotion and perseverance. By using valuable materials, the exhibition allows visitors to relive the past, which is still almost present here. The exhibition will continue until April 30, 2023.

Source: Ha Noi Portal