‘Northern’ the weather is cool to cold. Southern region, thunderstorms in some places


Bangkok: The Meteorological Department reveals that in the northern region, "Yop Doi - Yod Phu" the weather will be cool to cold, while in the Northeast, Central, and East, the weather will be cool in the morning. Warning: Thunderstorms in some places in the South. Meteorological Department Revealing a high pressure area or moderate cold air mass covering upper Thailand. While the westerly winds in the upper level blow over the northern region. This characteristic causes the northern region to still have cool to cold weather with fog in the morning. The northeastern, central and eastern regions will have cool weather with some fog in the morning. For the mountaintop areas of the northern region, the weather is cold to very cold with frost in some places. The lowest temperature is 5-12 degrees Celsius. The mountain tops of the northeastern region are cold. Lowest temperature 11-15 degrees Celsius. People in upper Thailand are asked to take care of their health as the weather is still cold in the morning. Incl uding increasing caution when traveling through areas with fog during this period as well. For the moderate northeast monsoon blowing over the Gulf of Thailand and the southern region. This causes thunderstorms to still occur in the lower South. The wind waves in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea are moderate. In the Gulf of Thailand, waves are 1-2 meters high. In areas with thunderstorms, waves are more than 2 meters high. In the Andaman Sea, waves are about 1 meter high. In areas with thunderstorms and far from shore, waves are more than 1 meter high. Boaters in those areas should Navigate with caution and avoid sailing in areas with thunderstorms. Dust in this period: lower northern region, central region, including Bangkok and surrounding areas. There is moderate to considerable accumulation of dust/smog. This is because the wind that blows over it has weakened. and there is poor ventilation Source: Thai News Agency