NBTC confirms Thai people will definitely watch the World Cup. If there is a private sector purchasing the copyright


Bangkok, NBTC visits Siam Paragon area. Follow up on registrations to increase strictness and speed up the extraction of ghost SIMs that facilitate call center gangs. Ready to confirm that Thai people will be able to watch the World Cup If there is a private sector who purchases the rights to broadcast live, Pol. Gen. Nattathorn Phoesunthon, NBTC Legal Officer and Chairman of the Integrated Subcommittee on Law Enforcement of Technology Crimes, and Pol. Lt. Gen. Thatchai Peetanilabutr, Assistant Police Commander in charge of technology crimes Visited the area to inspect mobile phone number registration and identity verification at the main customer service centers of all mobile phone operators including AWN, TRUE and DTAC at Siam Paragon, Bangkok. By visiting this area It comes from the expansion of the arrest of call center gangs in the area. Nakhon Si Thammarat Province Last week, they seized more than 1,037 ghost SIM numbers and found that some of them were bought from vending machines. There is no real user registration. or has been registered with incorrect information And some of them were suspended due to the NBTC's identity verification measures. Pol. Gen. Natthorn said today was a visit to the area to monitor the tightness of mobile SIM registration. Verifying personal information and supporting documents for SIM registration And follow the progress in confirming the identities of many SIM holders according to the NBTC announcement. Group 1 (those holding SIM cards from 6-100 numbers) will expire 180 days on the day. This coming July 13, 2024, including Group 2 (those holding SIM card numbers 101 numbers or more) which has expired. Since February 14th, from the information the NBTC has collected as of March 31st, more than 300 SIMs that do not comply with the NBTC announcement have been suspended. 741,657 numbers. In this regard, the NBTC has instructed all service providers to Accelerate public relations and follow up with both groups of SIM holders. Come to confirm your identity within the deadline. In addition, the team has also carried out inspections and provided recommendations on measures to prevent call center gangs. and other technological crimes as well Police Lieutenant General Thatchai Added that In the suppression of technological crimes Especially the call center gang. Which has created a lot of distress for the people. In this matter, the Royal Thai Police and NBTC have jointly sought measures to control and regulate SIM vending machines. Because it is a channel for call center gangs to use to deceive Thais and foreigners. There are people who are victims. received a lot of damage which confirms identity from the national ID card There will be no problem at various service centers because they have ID card readers. But there are concerns about general SIM vending machines that do not have a modern enough inspection system. But he was urged to be stricter in checking national ID cards to match their identity. Before selling out mobile SIM cards Police General Natthorn spoke about the withdr awal of the purchase of the rights to broadcast the World Cup finals. Leave the Must Have announcement that are scheduled to broadcast 7 types of sports programs, namely the SEA Games, ASEAN Para Games, Asian Games , Asian Para Games, Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and the World Cup for the public to watch for free throughout the country, as Thai football fans will still be able to watch the live broadcast of the World Cup as before. If the private sector purchases the rights to the World Cup and manages it themselves, because the NBTC views that the World Cup is of interest to the general public, But there were no Thai athletes competing. Allowing the private sector to buy copyrights will be a better choice. And you won't have to wait to see if there will be a live broadcast or not, unlike the past World Cups where it was close to the competition day to buy the rights. This allows the private sector to come in and buy the rights to broadcast the World Cup live. It will help the private sector to use marketi ng mechanisms for better management. Source: Thai News Agency