National Assembly’s 5th session resolution promulgated


National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has just signed to promulgate a resolution on the 5th session of the 15th National Assembly, which took place from May 22 to June 24. According to the resolution, the session passed 8 laws and 17 resolutions. The National Assembly also gave its opinion for the second time on the revised Land Law and commented for the first time on 8 other bills.

The Government and relevant agencies were urged to closely coordinate, study and absorb the opinions of the National Assembly deputies to the maximum extent, finalize draft laws and submit them to the National Assembly’s 6th session.

The National Assembly requested the Government to coordinate with relevant agencies to continue implementing promptly and comprehensively the tasks and solutions to strengthen the macroeconomic foundation, control inflation, and reinforce the adaptability and resilience of the economy to negative external impacts.

The Assembly also urged appropriate policy solutions to the global minimum tax, carbon tax, proactive, flexible and effective monetary policy, closely coordination with other fiscal and macro-economic policies to contribute to controlling inflation, stabilizing the macro foundation, and supporting reasonable economic recovery.

Source: VOV5