“Natcha” praises the Director-General of Fisheries for daring to reveal information about the black-chinned tilapia.


Bangkok, 'Natcha', MP of the Move Forward Party and Vice Chairman of the Committee on Solving the Problem of Blackchin Tilapia, praised the Director-General of the Department of Fisheries for daring to reveal information about the blackchin tilapia. It has been clearly stated that there is only one importer and the Department of Fisheries has never received a sample of the fish that the company requested permission to import. The committee still demands finding the source that caused the spread of this invasive alien aquatic animal. Meanwhile, the representative of the aquaculture farmer still wants the Ministry of Agriculture to buy the blackchin tilapia at 20 baht per kilogram. Mr. Natcha Boonchaiinsawat, MP for Bangkok, Move Forward Party, as Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee (Committee) to consider the causes and solutions to the problem, including the impacts of the import of black-chinned tilapia for research and development of species in the Kingdom of Thailand, in the House of Representatives Commit tee on Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, joined the press conference on the Fisheries Department's solution to the black-chinned tilapia problem. He praised Mr. Bancha Sukkaew, Director-General of the Fisheries Department, for his courage in disclosing information about the import of black-chinned tilapia, an incident that has occurred 14 years ago, as well as his intention to solve the problem as soon as possible. According to the Fisheries Department, it is clear that the Fisheries Department has allowed only one company to import black-chinned tilapia. In addition, according to the company's explanation, it has stopped research and sent fish samples to the Fisheries Department, but the Fisheries Department has never received them. The Committee continues to call for an investigation into the cause of this invasive alien aquatic animal's invasion of the ecosystem, including its impact on the livelihoods of local fishermen and farmers, as the Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives have admitted that they will investigate the cause to provide clarity to society. However, the chance of finding the cause and taking legal action against those who caused the impact seems slim. The Committee will submit an urgent motion to the House of Representatives to set up a special committee to invite both government and private agencies to join in solving this problem. Mr. Kamphee Thongplew, representative of the Mae Klong Lovers Community Network, representing aquaculture farmers in Samut Songkhram Province, said that he wanted to open black-chinned tilapia purchasing points in 16 provinces where the outbreak was found as soon as possible to reduce the impact on the environment and rehabilitate the aquaculture profession, including local fisheries that were damaged by the outbreak of black-chinned tilapia. For Colonel Thammanat Prompao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, who ordered the Fisheries Department to set the purchase price at 15 baht per kilogram, which is somewhat acc eptable, but it is seen that the appropriate price is 20 baht per kilogram, which will encourage many people to join in catching them from the water source. For now, this price is acceptable so that the project can begin as Colonel Thammanat will order it to be done within the next week. However, if it is done and not worth the labor and equipment costs, an increase will be requested to be made to 20 baht per kilogram. Source: Thai News Agency