Meteorological Department reveals cool weather in upper Thailand in the morning – strong winds


The Meteorological Department reveals that upper Thailand will have cool weather in the morning with strong winds. People in the upper area are asked to take care of their health due to weather changes. As for Bangkok and the surrounding area, there will be strong winds.

Meteorological Department weather forecast for the next 24 hours. A relatively strong high pressure area or cold air mass from China extends to cover upper Thailand and the South China Sea. This makes the area cool in the morning with strong winds. We ask people in upper Thailand to take care of their health due to the changing weather conditions.

For the moderate northeast monsoon blowing over the Gulf of Thailand and the southern region. causing the southern region to still have thunderstorms As for the lower Gulf of Thailand The sea has waves about 2 meters high in areas with thunderstorms. Waves are more than 2 meters high. Boaters are asked to navigate with caution. And avoid sailing in areas with thunderstorms during this period as well.

Bangkok and surrounding areas are partly cloudy with strong winds. Lowest temperature 23-24 degrees Celsius, highest temperature 33-35 degrees Celsius.

Source: Thai News Agency