Lang Son province wants to attract Korean investors: official


Chairman of the People's Committee of the northern province of Lang Son Ho Tien Thieu worked with representatives of companies and groups from the Republic of Korea (RoK) to discuss the implementation of Ho Son 1 industrial cluster project in Huu Lung district. Speaking at the meeting, Thieu informed the guests about the province's socio-economic development, incentives, and support policies that the province has offered to investors and the process of land clearance for the 73.7-ha industrial cluster project. It is expected that the province will transfer the whole ground to the investor to implement the project by June 2024, he said. President of TLB Group Baek Seong Hyeon said that the group learns about Lang Son's preferential policies for foreign investors such as corporate income tax incentives; value added tax, import tax, import of machinery to create fixed assets; procedures for certifying high-tech enterprises and incentives for high-tech enterprises. The group plans to lease 5 ha in the industr ial cluster to build an electronic component factory. President of SEP Group Dong Hoon Hyun said that the group wants to learn about policies and mechanisms for developing carbon-neutral industrial zones and clusters, particularly Lang Son's policies related to planning, land use, and construction of a waste-to-power plant. Thieu emphasised that Lang Son is an important bridge in the economic and trade connection between Vietnam, ASEAN countries, and China. Currently, besides attracting investment in border gate economic zones, the province is focusing on attracting investment in industrial clusters and parks. To attract investment, along with the preferential policies that the Government of Vietnam offers, Lang Son province also has additional preferential policies to support investors. He affirmed that Lang Son province invites and hopes to cooperate with investors, including those from the EoK, in different fields. The province pledged to accompany investors, and create the most favourable conditions for investors throughout the process of implementing investment, production, and business activities, the official stressed./. Source: Vietnam News Agency