Jirayu responds to those who criticize Thaksin for dyeing his hair and wearing a cast.


Parliament, "Jirayu" responds to those who criticize "Thaksin" for dyeing his hair and wearing a cast. I admit I want to go find it. But please allow time to adjust and be with your family. I don't want to criticize the role of politics. Mr. Jirayu Huangsap, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense Referring to the case of criticizing Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister. After receiving a suspended sentence, On the issue of those who have made beneficial contributions like Mr. Thaksin, there have been many attempts to find faults lately. He said that he could have used his free time to do something more useful, such as criticizing the police hospital for having a hair dye shop. Because Mr. Thaksin has black hair. 'I was surprised that The people who talk about this have never been to a supermarket. or convenience store Because currently there is a special type There is a press-and-dye type. Price is 199 baht per tube. No need to go to the store. Personally, I was surprised that I was able to think a bout other issues,' Mr. Jirayu said. As for wearing a splint Then there was a fault in that hand. He saw that his hand was slightly bent because it was tired. It's a photoshoot moment. It's not strange. 'The person who caught the lampshade actually caught it. The country has suffered a lot. Let's walk to the future. I want the economy to be good. Ready to want Mr. Thaksin to be an advisor to solve economic problems. Thailand will become great again,' Mr. Jirayu said. As for whether Mr. Thaksin will return as an advisor in what areas? Or what role will he play in politics? Mr. Jirayu admits that it is difficult to answer, but Mr. Thaksin is a senior person. There are people who respect you. Therefore, it is normal for people to seek advice. But what will be discussed is a matter of the future. As for Mr. Jirayu And will people in the Pheu Thai Party go and ask to meet with Mr. Thaksin or not? Mr. Jirayu said that we would also like to meet with him. Because when I was abroad, I traveled to see Right now it 's just on Charansanitwong Road. We want to go, but this time isn't right. You must rest first. He understood that he had been abroad for 10 days and when he returned to Thailand he ordered chicken basil to eat. Because I eat greasy food. He went to live there for 17-18 years, so he had to get to know his family. In the future, if you will occasionally see the former Prime Minister go to the mall, you must be considered a Thai person. That should be in Thailand and help solve problems for our Thai brothers and sisters. As for the case where there is an analysis that politics will change after Mr. Thaksin comes out. Mr. Jirayu did not want to answer. Because he was only a small person. It is up to the village chiefs in the government to see how they see it. As for the opposition and the Senate, they came out to attack Mr. Thaksin's double standards and the privilege of the people. Mr. Jirayu said In the past, I have always been treated with 2 standards, and most importantly, some senators have 3 standards. 'Some of you have flown through the air to become senators. Some of you have never known me before. or have never heard a voice spoken Importantly, today has passed the heat point. It's starting to get cold. It is the duty of the Senate and the opposition to move forward. After 17-18 years, are you still not bored? Let the country's mechanisms move forward,' Mr. Jirayu said. As for the case of the Senate criticizing Mr. Thaksin after Mr. Thaksin's suspension, Mr. Settha Thavisin, the Prime Minister, will become a star with no light. Mr. Jirayu reiterated that he is a small person and does not want to answer questions. Source: Thai News Agency