“Hai Aphaporn” takes victims of online fraud to complain to the cyber police.


Royal Thai Army Headquarters, "Hai-Apaporn Nakhon Sawan" famous singer Along with more than 10 victims, they went to meet Pol. Maj. Gen. Chatchapanthakarn Klaiklueng, commander of the police investigation. Technology Crime 1 (Commander of the Royal Thai Police 1) after collecting victims who were deceived by fraudsters in various forms, totaling damages of 60-70 million baht. Pol. Maj. Gen. Chatchapanthakarn said that from the inspection, it was found that there had been tricked into doing missions and deceiving investors. From an examination of approximately 11 victims, the damage value was approximately 60-70 million baht, which was divided into Each type of case and each locality The Cyber Police will collect all investigative information and coordinate with relevant agencies to take further action. This is considered an offense for fraud and an offense according to Computer Act, Section 14(1). This warns the public if they are tricked by scammers and quickly realize it, they should immediately call 1441 or report it at the website. www.thaipoliceonline.go.th The investment deception has a damage value of more than 20 billion baht, while the deceptive mission or work deception has a damage value of 8,500 million baht. Statistics in 2 years and 3 months, there were 529,508 victims with case IDs worth 70,000 million baht of damage. Money can be withheld. Got over 6,000 million baht in time Hai Aphaporn said that people who have been deceived by scammers like her sister in various ways have come to ask for help coordinating with the cyber police. The value of each person's damage is considerable. Some people lost tens of millions of baht, but they themselves were not deceived. But the younger sister was deceived through an orange app. After ordering items from the said application from the beginning By ordering a large amount of cooling towels But scammers use it as a front to sell things. Claiming to receive free gifts, keep in touch via Facebook. Invite people to click "Like" in order to receive a refund. By pressing the first like, you will receive a bonus of 20 baht. Then you will level up to 50,000 baht and get back 70,000 baht before being tricked into transferring 5 times, losing more than 1.45 million baht. Today, I am a spokesperson for everyone who were deceived by fraudsters Including deceitful investing, playing the stock market, ordering products, etc. I want it to be an example case, not wanting to be deceived by scammers in various ways. He has tried such activities. because the information will be given to the police He expected that he would not lose money because his sister took 3 days for the scammers to trick her. The first time he transferred, he actually received compensation. He transferred 5,000 baht and received 7,000 baht back. But when he transferred again on the same day, another 10,000 baht did not receive compensation. So he lost this amount of money. Hai Apaporn said that he would like to leave a message to everyone who uses social media. Social media is convenient, but it has both a dvantages and disadvantages. I want everyone who is falling into this kind of movement to withdraw quickly. and quickly report We don't know what form the scammers will come in. Therefore, you should live your life consciously. But there are still many ignorant people who can be deceived. Therefore, I would like to warn you to be careful not to click on links sent by scammers in various forms. If you press to enter, you may be robbed of all the money from your account by scammers. And as soon as you realize that you have been scammed in various ways, you must immediately notify 1441 so that the money can be seized in time. There are also victims who were tricked into investing in crypto. Was deceived into investing 2 million baht but was unable to withdraw the money back at all. Another victim was tricked into participating in stock trading and took 1.45 million baht. And there was a Laotian victim who was tricked into making an online video ordering goods and losing 300,000 baht Source: Thai News Agency