Cyber ??police reveal the reason for changing the online reporting website address to the ending | Be sure before sharing CyberUpdate??


'Cyber ??Police' reveals the reason for changing the address of the online reporting website to in order to build confidence among the public and to be able to distinguish between real and fake websites. Advise people who are victims to call. 1441 Pol. Maj. Gen. Niwet Apawasin, Deputy Commissioner of Police Investigation into Technology Crimes Royal Thai Police (Royal Thai Police) revealed to the cyber news team Center for sure before sharing that The idea of ??changing the URL or domain name of an online reporting website has been around for a long time. But since the beginning it was publicized to the public. It takes time And the registration of a new domain name that is has a mechanism for identifying it. If it is a domain name in Thailand that ends with .th, it must be clearly registered. can be identified Therefore, if it is a website that ends in .th, there will be little problem of cheating or deceiving others. It is a policy at the government level that wants to drive all government a gencies' websites to be, and at present there are many websites that are pretending to be government agencies. especially online reporting websites When people see the name of the website .com, they will understand that it is a trustworthy website and that the police have previously publicized. But if you look at the website name registration mechanism, you will find that .com can be fake registered. Therefore, building confidence among the public about which websites are real and which are fake websites and domain names is very important. The cyber police quickly changed the name of the online reporting website to For citizens who want to use the online reporting service You can do it yourself through the website. only if you have previously registered with the original online reporting website. You can use the same account to report online. without having to reapply and please remind that Government agencies do not have a service for cit izens to report complaints via Facebook, chat line, or via direct message (DM) of any application. Online reporting statistics from March 17, 2023 until December 2023 found that nearly 180,000 cases were reported, which is a relatively large number. and the damage value was as high as 21,222 million baht. For the daily average, it was found that December 2023 was the month in which people reported the most online complaints, up to 800 cases per day. Previously, approximately 500 - 700 cases per day were found. This was due to The Ministry of Digital Affairs has integrated with the police to investigate technological crimes. In the setting up of AOC 1441, many citizens came to report complaints online and by telephone. Makes the overall statistics higher which is the case in which people received the most damage It's a trick to fall in love and then invest. Millions of baht worth of damage found every day. Most people fall for numbers on fake platforms. I think it's real. This is something that the Cyber ??Po lice is rushing to publicize. Especially those with incomes of more than 500,000 baht and above, do not trust and invest in Hybrid Scam scammers. In addition, Pol. Maj. Gen. Niwet Apawasin gave advice to the public on preparing to report complaints. online that 'First, call the AOC hotline 1441 if you cannot be contacted. The line is really busy. The recommended thing is to go to the online reporting website. and look at the bank hotline used by the victim to transfer money to the criminal's destination account Which bank do we use? Then go look at that bank. and immediately call the bank to notify of the seizure first. Then you can report it yourself online through the website. In addition, another channel that I would like to publicize to the public is if you buy something online and receive an item that is not as described. Recommended to use the service The COJ online civil court is free of charge. Some people are now starting to sue banks, such as money-siphoning applicat ions. Some people were completely taken away. No money to hire a lawyer Then went to sue the bank Use this channel as well." Sure Before Sharing Center, Thai News Agency, MCOT, reporters Peeraphon Anutarasothi and Saowapak Rattanaphong Source: Thai News Agency