“Chulphan” confirms that he will not reduce the size of the digital wallet project.


House, "Julapan" confirms that the digital wallet project will not be reduced in size. It will remain at 500 billion as usual. Is this a loan decree or not? Depends on the situation But I still haven't picked it up to talk about it. Emphasize listening to the opinions of the Royal Decree-NACC. Be careful Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance Referring to the recommendations of the National Anti-Corruption Commission or NACC regarding the 500 billion baht loan bill for use in the digital wallet project, it has not yet arrived. government hand On the way This is the reason that in the morning it was decided to postpone the meeting of the Digital Wallet Committee. There are no other causes yet. Because you have to listen to all sides. 'If the meeting is rushed, it will be accused of being rushed. As for what day you'll enter, it probably won't take long. Must bring documents to look at in detail. before being brought into the digital wallet committee Both answers and decrees and NACC recommenda tions To carry out the proposal correctly and completely. in order to move forward with the project Still unable to answer whether there will be a meeting before the traveling Cabinet meeting or not. Wait for the letter to arrive and then ask to look at the details again,' Mr. Chulphan said. However, when receiving the NACC's opinion, the government is still confident whether it will be able to complete the project in May or not, Mr. Chulapan said that at this moment, the goal is still the same. Even though time is starting to get closer, we have to accept it. Didn't deny anything When there are comments Both the decree and the NACC As a committee, we must listen to all opinions. So that you can follow along and relieve your worries. And so decided to continue The part where there is news that The government may reduce the size of the project. Mr. Chulphan confirmed that no, there was no discussion at all. He has also seen the media report that the size will be reduced from 500 billion baht to 300 billion b aht and use a normal budget. which confirms that Every time there is a meeting, he is present in every committee. There is no issue here. 'There has never been a 300 billion baht issue and I don't know. Where does this news come from? And it's confirmed that there is no plan 2. Let's look at this until it's finished first," Mr. Chulphan said. In this regard, the Emergency Decree on Loans will be an option If the loan act cannot be issued or not, Mr. Chulphan said it depends on the situation. which is about the issuance of the Royal Decree The government has not thought about this and has not yet considered it. Because issuing a Royal Decree is the power of the Cabinet. It is a power that is used all the time. And at this time it has not been brought up for discussion. Mr. Chulphan further said that the Cabinet is considering the 2025 budget in two agendas, namely considering a budget of 3.6 trillion baht by collecting more than 2.7 trillion baht in revenue and borrowing to compensate for the deficit of 710 billion baht, which the Cabinet .approved And there has been an update to the fiscal year 2025 budget calendar. The time frame will have a slight overlap. When considering the 2024 budget is complete, the 2025 budget will be considered immediately and the process will be completed expeditiously. To keep up with the fiscal year 2025 spending framework in October, there shouldn't be any problems. The Prime Minister Giving a policy at the 2025 budget seminar that a reserve budget would be set up for use in the digital wallet project, Mr. Chulphan denied that there had been no discussion at this Cabinet meeting. Source: Thai News Agency