“Chaiwat” declares he is not afraid of anything. After being arrested by the National Anti-Corruption Commission Point out serious criminal and disciplinary offenses


Bangkok, 'Chaiwat Limlikitaksorn' reveals he is not afraid of anything anymore. After being arrested by the National Anti-Corruption Commission Pointing out the wrongdoing of the construction of the Huai Khomkrit Forest Protection Unit in Kaeng Krachan National Park in 2013 according to Section 157, negligence in performance and serious breach of discipline. to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Punishment within 30 days indicates if there is no righteousness in society and awareness does not arise. I'm ready to fight for what's right. Mr. Chaiwat Limlikhitaksorn Director of the National Park Office The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation said about the news report that The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has sent the results of its investigation into the allegations against Mr. Chaiwat. Limlikit Aksorn While holding the position of head of Kaeng Krachan National Park Phetchaburi Province with the group carrying out the construction project for the park pr otection unit office building (Huai Khom Krit) in the Kaeng Krachan National Park area illegally came to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) at the end of January 2024, with Mr. Chaiwat stating that I don't feel afraid anymore because I have been through many events in my official life. This confirms that Always committed to protecting forests and wildlife But the movement of disaffected people that they interfered with tried to get rid of it out of the way. He could not use corruption to deal with it because he had never been dishonest. Therefore, other issues were brought to complain. Mr. Chaiwat said The construction of the Huai Khomkrit National Park Protection Unit occurred during the Kaeng Krachan leadership in fiscal year 2013. At that time, there was a problem with the illegal trade of wild elephants for ivory. Its purpose is to provide a habitat for wild animals and a residence for patrol officers. Within the project there are 7 building s, including a one-story office building, a 2-bedroom house, 4 worker houses for 4 families, a guardhouse, a steel flagpole, and a radio antenna. and water dormitories - water delivery This is a procurement project using electronic bidding (e-bidding) by the Office of Conservation Area 3 (Ban Pong) appointing 3 committees: 1. Committee to draft the scope of work and draft documents for bidding for construction of buildings. 2. The bidding committee for the construction of government buildings using electronic bidding and 3. The committee for inspecting the work and overseeing the construction of government buildings, of which Mr. Chaiwat is on this committee. Then when construction was completed in B.E. 2014 signed the award because he is the head of Kaeng Krachan National Park. Both the building and the fodder pasture are still in use today. Mr. Chaiwat mentioned the news that National Anti-Corruption Commission Considered the preliminary inquiry and resolved that his actions had criminal grounds. Base as an official Performing or refraining from performing duties illegally to cause damage to anyone or acting or refraining from performing duties dishonestly and acting as an official. Has the duty to make documents Receive documents or enter text into documents. Make a certification as evidence that What action has he taken? or that something was done in his presence that was false and certified as evidence of the fact of that document Aiming to prove the truth which is false. According to the Criminal Code, Section 157 and Section 162 (1) (4) based on mutual agreement in bidding. For the purpose of benefiting any person who has the right to enter into a contract with a government agency. By avoiding fair price competition or by preventing the offering of other goods or services to that government agency. He was not a member of the committee that prepared the TOR and the bidding committee. As for signing the employment inspection form and certifying the work performance of the contractor on May 3, 2014, because the building was completed, he signed as the head of Kaeng Krachan National Park. As for the NACC Point out the cause of serious disciplinary misconduct as well. By having the supervisor consider the punishment according to the NACC offense. It was resolved that there was no need to appoint another disciplinary committee and order punishment of the accused within 30 days from the date of receipt of the matter. If the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) resigns from government service again Will appeal to the Moral System Protection Committee in accordance with the Civil Service Act 2008, including filing a lawsuit with the Administrative Court in the same way as when he was dismissed from government service by the Ministry in 2008. 2021, he filed a lawsuit The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment) is the first respondent, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. i s the second defendant and the defense committee and Suppressing Corruption in the Public Sector (NACC) is the third defendant in the Phetchaburi Administrative Court's judgment regarding the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment's order punishing the dismissal of Mr. Chaiwat from government service. After being arrested by the National Anti-Corruption Commission Pointing out the crime of burning property of Bang Kloi villagers The ministry did not appoint a committee to conduct a thorough disciplinary investigation before issuing the order. The Administrative Court therefore ordered a stay of the case to be returned to government service. Mr. Chaiwat has been in government service for 33 years and will retire in September 2024. Most recently, he played a role in investigating the planting of ants in the ALRO. and issue ALRO documents 4-01, which the National Park Service has stated is in the Khao Yai National Park area. Mr. Chaiwat went to remove the pin and complained to the NACC. Inspect the perfo rmance of duties of land reform officials in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Mr. Chaiwat reiterated that Always acting as a forest guardian and protecting national resources. If correctness does not exist in society and consciousness does not arise Ready to fight for the right.- Source: Thai News Agency