“Chaithawat” reiterates his stance on moving forward. Justice must be administered to everyone.


Bangkok, "Chaithawat" said he couldn't help but wonder. Really sick or not, "Thaksin" was immediately suspended and released from the hospital, pointing out that a "privileged state of law" could be called for, reiterating his position of "going far", must provide equal justice to everyone, viewing it as a right, "Anutin-Politicians" prepare to enter. Prostrate Say it's not strange. But be careful to stay within the framework of the suspension, countering "Phum Dhamma" if there aren't two prime ministers, it would be better, emphasizing that it's normal for society to think. At the Progressive Party Coordination Center, Bang Khae District, Mr. Chaithawat Tulathon, leader of the Progressive Party As the leader of the opposition Gave an interview about the case of Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, former prime minister. Received a suspended sentence and returned to Chansongla's house today that we would like to communicate even though many people see that Mr. Thaksin, as a former political leader, was subjected to a co up and the prosecution followed after that. and viewed as being unfair So deserves justice. But we want to say Of course, anyone who has not been treated fairly by the coup or has been subjected to political persecution should receive justice But we should not use methods that reinforce double standards in the justice process. Unequal treatment We might call it a privileged legal system. Because in the end, it makes society question whether what happened is right and fair or not. People who should receive justice There should be only one person. Or should it be all groups of people? He thinks that this is an important principle that the Progressive Party gives importance to. When asked if Mr. Thaksin was able to return home today, does that mean that over the past 180 days, can there be any doubt that he was not really sick? Mr. Chaithawat said It is definitely an issue that has been questioned. In the past, Thaksin claimed that There is a health issue. Must stay in a hospital outside the prison Different fr om other inmates At the same time, in the past there have been calls for information to be disclosed. Which affects public interest and transparency. Therefore, this matter makes society unable to help wondering. When meeting the criteria to receive a special suspension of punishment You can leave the hospital immediately. It reinforces discrimination. which is not equal We think it shouldn't happen. Society expects When there is a new government It will make society transition to a better democratic system. Justice is provided to more people. But what happened reinforced the old problems. To be more serious When asked if evaluating people with different opinions would cause more conflict, Mr. Chaithawat said that it would increase dissatisfaction. grievance Instead of resolving the conflict Which now I think is the best method. is to provide justice to everyone equally As for the parties joining the government, such as Mr. Anuchin Charnvirakul, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Prepare to go a nd pay respects to Mr. Thaksin. How do you view this phenomenon? Mr. Chaithawat stated that people who respect Knowing and liking Mr. Thaksin, he would probably have the right to meet him. It's not anything strange. which the sentence was suspended must be careful Must be within the framework that society can accept. Will it affect the work of the government or not? It's something to look at in the future. When asked if Mr. Thaksin would become another prime minister or not, Mr. Chaithawat said that this was something he had warned about if this government was not managed well. Then there was a situation where there was more than one prime minister. Because many people said that there might be more than two people. It will not be good for the Prime Minister himself. And it may cause this situation to increase pressure on Mr. Settha Thavisin, Prime Minister. When asked about the case of Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Stating that thinking of two prime ministers is to o much, Mr. Chaithawat said that if it doesn't happen, it's good. He thought that this matter was a normal thing that society could think about. When asked whether Mr. Thaksin's exit would reduce the popularity of the Kaew Klai Party or not, Mr. Chaithawat said it would be a different matter. The party's popularity is far ahead. It probably depends on the work of the party itself. whether it will be able to work as the people expect or not When asked whether there would be anything to keep an eye on from now on, Mr. Chaithawat said that many parts would like to know clarity. Transparency in consideration is related to the rules and regulations of Mr. Thaksin, which is due to the issue of the right to receive treatment. Coming to the matter of suspending the lieutenant, why did Mr. Thaksin receive a special suspension? And will the treatment after this be equal or not? This is the duty of the government, especially the Ministry of Justice. The Department of Corrections must provide good clarity. When asked how he views the political direction from now on, Mr. Chaithawat said that the government's big problem right now is that society is still waiting for With the arrival of a new government, important policies will be pushed forward. Successful or not? When the government is changed, can it create change or not, whether politically? in the judicial process In the economic and social aspect, which is an important problem that Mr. Settha and the government are facing. Whether Mr. Thaksin will be punished or not But this is really important. When asked how far the party has progressed Will there need to be a committee set up to investigate Mr. Thaksin's matter? Mr. Chaithawat said it would be too early for any kind of committee to be set up. But he thinks the opposition party will monitor this matter. There are still many mechanisms that can be examined in the House of Representatives. It may not be necessary to set up any committee. . Source: Thai News Agency