“Capt. Thammanat” ready to explain the issue of illegal pork


Government House, "Capt. Thammanat" ready to explain the general discussion of the Senate. not seen as an enemy But look at it as a mirror to lead discussions to improve work. Not afraid of being questioned about the problem of feral pigs Capt. Thammanat Prompao, Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Referring to the case where a member of the Senate (Senator) submitted a name to propose a request to open a general debate. By not voting according to Section 153, is it considered too early or not? We have to look at what issues will be discussed and also look at the time frame of the senator's tenure to see how many months are left. At this time, we have not yet seen the details of what will be discussed. If discussing the Ministry of Agriculture I must say that working as a minister for 4 months has solved problems and created benefits for farmers and the public. Both urgent matters and solving problems of the stomach, granting ALRO land as title deeds for agriculture. With many parties joining the event So don't be afraid of being debated. Listening to information from different sides Don't be seen as an enemy. But it is a mirror to be used to further improve our work. When asked again that if the Senate raises the case of illegal pork Let's discuss whether it will have an impact or not. The Minister of Agriculture said that he would not like to criticize this matter. We declare war on feral pigs. and anyone involved, whether related to them or not I won't show any face to it. Because it is considered to destroy the cycle of the agricultural sector. If exempted or supported protect wrongdoers Can't stay in this position. Source: Thai News Agency