Can Tho Seeks South Korean Investment in Industrial and Agricultural Sectors


Can Tho: The Mekong Delta city of Can Tho is actively seeking investment from the Republic of Korea (RoK) to boost its large-scale industrial production. This intention was expressed by Nguyen Van Hieu, Secretary of the Can Tho municipal Party Committee, during a meeting with Korean Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City, Shin Choong Il, on November 7.

According to Vietnam News Agency, the Republic of Korea has already invested in two significant official development assistance (ODA) projects in Can Tho. These include the Korea-Vietnam Incubator Park, valued at 21.13 million USD, and an agriculture mechanisation project in Can Tho city with a total investment of nearly 2.4 billion KRW (over 1.83 million USD). Hieu highlighted the RoK's strengths in large-scale industry, hi-tech agriculture, trade, and services, which provide a solid basis for future bilateral cooperation.

During the session, Hieu suggested several potential projects for Korean investment. One proposal is the development of a complex for processing and selling agricultural products in the Mekong Delta, located in Can Tho. Another proposed project is the establishment of a logistics hub linked to the Cai Cui port. This hub would cover a total area of 100.27 hectares and have the capacity to handle 25 million tonnes of goods annually.

Shin Choong Il, in response, committed to acting as a bridge to facilitate expanded cooperation. He pledged to bring numerous Korean business delegations to Vietnam, and particularly to Can Tho, to explore investment opportunities.

The municipal Department of External Relations reported that Can Tho had a trade turnover of 21.08 million USD with the RoK in the first nine months of this year. The city's primary exports to the RoK include aquatic products, farm produce, processed agricultural products, apparel, pharmaceuticals, and veterinary medicine.