Building SAT-1, Suvarnabhumi Airport, D-Day opens on 28 September.


Suvarnabhumi Airport Full-scale operational testing of Secondary Concourse No. 1 or SAT-1, preparing for soft opening on September 8th.

Mr. Kittipong Kittikachorn, Director of Suvarnabhumi Airport, revealed that a full-scale operational test of SAT-1 has been conducted for the first time. There are 180 fictional passengers with luggage. to test the operation of the entire system Between the main passenger terminal and the SAT-1 building, with Thai Airways International Public Company Limited leading the crew and officials in the experimental operation.

In addition, there is cooperation from various airline station masters. Join as a fictional passenger Immigration Division 2, Customs Office, inspects passengers. The Customs Office of Product Inspection, Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Company Limited, participated in the testing.

This full-scale operational trial of the SAT-1 building is a test of situations and service models that cover processes related to aircraft (Aircraft) and international passengers. both inbound and outbound and transit passengers Baggage loading and unloading process and loading and unloading goods Focusing on testing 7 main systems, including the ticket inspection system baggage conveyor belt security Providing ground equipment services facility testing, etc.

Summarize the overall results of the experimental operation. In the past it was smooth and received good cooperation from relevant agencies. However, Suvarnabhumi Airport will bring various problems to improve in order to achieve maximum efficiency. And ready for the soft opening of the SAT-1 building on September 28th. - Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency