“Bhoomtham” responds to anger after being criticized for cancer-causing substances found in rice 10 years ago


Nonthaburi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce Personal Facebook post criticizing academics and politicians after criticizing "10-year-old rice" that has been found to contain carcinogens. You should not auction rice. Reporters report that Mr. Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce, has come out to respond to some academics and politicians who criticized "10-year rice" that has been found to have carcinogenic substances. They should not auction rice on their personal Facebook page. Use information and knowledge to critique '10-year rice' for the benefit of the country. It's better than using imagination to bring reality. From the news report that There are those who claim that Inspected the rice in the rice pledging project warehouse. which will be auctioned off and claimed to have been detected Carcinogens, rice auction In the past, the process of checking for contaminants in rice has found that the initial amount of contaminants in rice has never been a problem. And there was never any information that storing rice and the number of years of rice storage would be a problem. If there is correct storage according to standards Nowadays, technology development is more modern. As a result, the process of improving the quality of rice before being released for sale, whether domestically or internationally, will take the rice to be polished each time. Improve rice grains until they meet food safety criteria according to international standards first. Therefore it can be exported or distributed to consumers. In this regard, the private sector that engages in the rice trading business and the Rice Association must build confidence in buyers by having a system for inspecting their imported products on the other side. which is a world-class surveyor company Already entered to inspect the product This is a normal procedure. The cases of 'carcinogenic substances' being referred to are mostly found in rice bran that has not yet been treated with rice bran attached to rice grains . If it has been improved and polished This substance will have a much lower amount than this. Until it is in an amount that is safe for consumption. As I am Minister of Commerce My intention is only to auction off the remaining rice stocks in the last two warehouses in order to bring the proceeds back to the treasury. It's better than letting it rot and rot (really) to the point where there's no price for this rice auction. Ministry of Commerce There is no authority to determine how the private sector that wins the auction will use it. As far as I know, besides the business of exporting old rice which has a market in South Africa, liquor distillery was interested in the opening of rice verification this time My intention is only to clear up the outstanding problems in a transparent manner. Therefore inviting all parties, from rice inspectors according to international standards, mill owners and rice trading operators who have Experience in rice inspection Unlimited mass media, numbering more than 30, came to prove the truth to the public. Including provincial governors and provincial commanders who are heads of provincial government units. But because of these two warehouses of rice It has been stored for about 10 years. I received a complaint from the owner of this rice warehouse that these 2 piles of rice were government rice. Let him tell you that he has been treating you for 10 years and has not done anything to make progress in the country. It will be of no use. Moreover, the owner of the warehouse who stores the rice loses the opportunity to use the rice warehouse for trading. The news that comes out is slanderous about various issues. There is still a lack of understanding of the process of rice storage, auctioning, and rice quality inspection. and exports of the country This is a process mechanism where all involved parties work together under specified standards. It is not a decision to act alone for anyone's benefit. I am very sorry that my intention to complete my duties for the benefit of the nati on as a whole this time was changed with other intentions and using bias or faction to devalue the quality of Thai rice. Until causing a trend of distrust in the quality of Thai rice products. I would like to propose using the information and correct knowledge Analyze it fairly. The process of buying and selling rice that will be auctioned follows the system and process that should be in place. Will it be more beneficial to the country? Because the inspection process according to the system is reliable. and is already in accordance with international principles Regarding "10-year rice", if criticized with "political bias" and "imagination" leading to "truth" until it becomes an impairment of Thai rice. to the point of causing the country to lose its benefits I am convinced that everyone in Thai society does not want this to happen and I still want to honestly believe that everyone does not want to see the creation of a discourse changing good rice to bad rice causing the state to lose enormous benefits as i n the past. Source: Thai News Agency