Be sure before sharing: Is it true that toilet paper causes cervical cancer?


?? As the message is shared 'A 20-year-old Chinese female student was diagnosed with cervical cancer. From history taking It was found that the cause was from the toilet paper' that was used. ?? Conclusion: ? Not true, should not be shared further. Information that appears in the news cannot explain that toilet paper is the cause of cervical cancer. ?? Sure Center before sharing Check information with Prof. Dr. Sarukphan Vilailak, medical professor in the Department of Gynecological Oncology. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University confirms that the use of tissue paper Not related to being the cause of cervical cancer. 1. Dry tissue paper The virus doesn't last long. Bacteria do not cause cervical cancer. 2. Using tissue paper to wipe Probably wipe the area of ??the external reproductive organs. It is not worth wiping deep into the cervix. Until causing any infection in the cervix. "however You should choose clean, hygienic tissues to clean th is specific area. And there should not be perfume that will irritate the skin,' said Prof. Dr. Sarukphan. for cervical cancer It is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) and can be transmitted to other people through sexual intercourse. At present, it is recommended that cervical cancer screening should be done regularly. So that if the disease is found, it can be treated early and can be cured. In addition, the most effective way to prevent cervical cancer. It is a vaccination against the HPV virus, which can be given from childhood. Cervical cancer is usually detected in women aged 40-50 years and over. For the case in the news It was a diagnosis of cervical cancer at the age of 20 years. Prof. Dr. Sarukphan said that if it were true according to the news, It may be predicted and medically explained that The person in question was infected with HPV early and it is a fierce strain. or the person has an impaired immune system The disease progresses quickly. This causes the cervix to become cancerous at a young age. February 23, 2024 Sure Center before sharing Thai news agency MCOT Facts checked by: Komsthanon Sukajjasakul Source: Thai News Agency