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Can blurry vision be prevented? And what is the treatment method? ?? Check with Professor Wutthikun Dr. Sakchai Wongsakittirak. Academic Chair Royal College of Ophthalmologists of Thailand The eyes are an important organ used to see things and are important to everyone. The word 'amblyopia' refers to a condition of blurred vision. Generally divided into 2 groups: temporary blurred vision and permanent blurred vision. "Irregular vision" and "Amblyopia" Refractive errors are a big problem that is increasing quite a lot in modern children. In research, it was found that children's behavioral adjustments Giving children more outdoor activities, at least 11 hours a week, will help reduce the chance of myopia. and the shortening of children's Doing outdoor activities can prevent blurred vision in children. Because children have outdoor activities It will help children relax their eyes. Including getting vitamin D from sunlight. Because there is research that believes that it can reduce the shortsightedness of children's eyesight. Letting children sit and play with mobile phones or sitting at the computer Having children stay in their rooms may be one of the causes that cause modern Thai children to have more vision problems. 'Cataract' and 'Amblyopia' Prevention of cataracts This can be done by avoiding the cause. Whether it's from the use of certain drugs such as steroids (both oral and drop types) In people with congenital diseases that cause the eye's lenses to deteriorate faster, such as diabetes, they must try to control their sugar levels better. Additionally, avoiding ultraviolet light is necessary. By using a sunshade, wearing a brimmed hat, and wearing sunglasses. It will help delay cloudiness or the development of cataracts. Treatment and correction of blurred vision caused by "Irregular vision conditions" Guidelines for treating blurred vision: The important thing is to fix the cause. Treatment of blurred vision caused by refractive errors There are many familiar methods such as 1. Wear glas ses to solve problems of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. 2. Put on contact lenses 3. Use laser technology to permanently correct abnormalities, that is, LASIK or Excimer Laser. Treatment and correction of blurred vision caused by "Cataract disease" All elderly people have cataract problems. Current treatment is using ultrasound sound waves. To dissolve the cloudy lens. Then insert a new intraocular lens. These intraocular lenses will last a lifetime. No need to take special care of anything. All Thai citizens can use gold patents, social security or civil service rights. Treatment and correction of blurred vision caused by "Retinal disease" Treatment and correction of blurred vision caused by retinal disease The type of retinal disease needs to be clearly diagnosed. to plan treatment Because some types may use lasers. Some types may require surgery. Or some types may use drugs injected into the eyeball. Treatment and correction of blurred vision caused by "Eye muscle disease" Blurre d vision is caused by disease of the eye muscles or the nerves that control the eye muscles. Need to be diagnosed Because it may be an eye disease. or a disease of the nervous system that is responsible for controlling the work of the 2 eyes to work together Makes it possible to return to normal vision. Eye nutritional supplements Should I eat it or not? Vitamin A plays an important role in the functioning of the human retina. In general, vitamin A is sufficient in normal food, medicines, vitamins, or any advertised supplements. It may not be necessary. Except in the case of early stage macular degeneration. Diagnosed by an ophthalmologist Eating certain nutrients can help delay the progression of this type of macular degeneration. But in general, people are not recommended to buy dietary supplements or vitamins to take by themselves. It needs to be prescribed by an ophthalmologist in order to get worthwhile benefits. Source: Thai News Agency