5 months of 2023, foreigners are interested in investing in Thailand over 45,392 million baht.


The Foreign Business Committee stated in the 5 months of '2013, foreigners invested in Thailand 45,392 million baht, Japan invested first at 15,873 million baht, followed by China 11,479 million baht and Singapore 6,356 million baht. Thai people 2,999 people

Mr. Thosaphol Dhangsuputra, Director-General of the Department of Business Development and as secretary of the Foreign Business Committee, revealed that “January – May 2023, the committee has allowed foreigners to invest in doing business in Thailand. Under the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 of 274 cases, 87 cases of investments were made through obtaining foreign business licenses and 187 cases obtaining foreign business certificates. 45,392 million baht, employing 2,999 Thai people. The top 5 foreigners investing are: * Japan 63 (23%), investment 15,873 million baht * United States 48 (18%), investment 2,456 million baht * Singapore 46 companies (17%) investing 6,356 million baht * China 19 companies (7%) investing 11,479 million baht and * Hong Kong 12 companies (4%) investing 2, 991 million baht, including the transfer of specific knowledge and technology directly from the investing countries to Thai people, such as the knowledge on petroleum well pressure control. Knowledge of electrical and electronic design in electric train projects Knowledge about electricity generation from wind energy Knowledge of how to solve problems in the use of aircraft tires and knowledge of air compressor troubleshooting technology, etc.

However, when compared to the same period in 2022, it was found that foreigners were allowed to invest in doing business in Thailand, increasing by 37 people, representing 16 percent (January – May 2023, 274 allowed / month). Jan. – May. 237 allowed.) Investment value decreased by 9,684 million baht or 18% (Jan. – May. 23, invested 45,392 million baht / month Jan. – May. 2022, investing 55,076 million baht) and employing 23 Thai people, decreased by 1% (January-May 2023, employing 2,999 people / month Jan-May. 65 employing 3,022 people) with the highest number of investors still entering Japan. as in 2022

Most of the businesses permitted from January to May 2023 are businesses that are in line with the country's infrastructure development. Investment promotion policies to increase the country's competitiveness, for example:

* Petroleum drilling services within the concession area of the exploration blocks in the Gulf of Thailand

* Design, purchase, supply, installation, improvement, development, system trial, system integration and activation as well as management for electric train projects

* Construction, installation and testing services on natural gas pipeline laying and natural gas control stations and other facilities. for the onshore natural gas transmission pipeline system project

* Engineering and technical services such as technical consulting technical troubleshooting Gather technical information, etc.

* Electronic commerce services (e-Commerce) by providing a central platform for buying-selling products.

* Service as an international business center which provides services to the business of affiliated enterprises in foreign countries


As for investment in the EEC area by foreign investors, from January to May 2023, there were 48 foreign investors interested in investing in the EEC area, representing 18 percent of the total number of investors. The value of investment in the EEC area is 9,442 million baht or 21% of the total investment. There are 19 investors from Japan investing 3,264 million baht, China 9 investing 752 million baht, Hong Kong 3 investing 2,920 million baht and 17 other countries investing 2, 506 million baht by invested businesses such as 1) Consulting services on production process management in various industries 2) Engineering and technical services such as design of machinery, machines, tools and equipment 3) Contract manufacturing services and parts of machinery for industry 4) service for manufacturing plastic parts for various industries and 5) international trade It is the procurement of products, raw materials and parts for various industries such as the automotive industry, for domestic wholesalers.

However, only in May 2023, there were 57 foreigners allowed to do business in Thailand, 18 of them were through the channels of obtaining a business license for foreigners and requesting a business certificate for 39 foreigners. Total investment of 6,690 million baht, employing 580 Thai people, most of whom are investors from Japan, the United States and Singapore, as well as transferring specific knowledge and technology directly from the investing country to Thai people, such as knowledge on Petroleum Well Pressure Control Knowledge about electricity generation from wind energy knowledge in using automobile and motorcycle wheel assembling machinery and knowledge about the use of phytogenic compounds to replace the use of antibiotics, etc.

In this regard, the businesses that foreigners are permitted to include are:

* Petroleum drilling services within the concession area of the exploration blocks in the Gulf of Thailand

* Engineering and technical services to inspect and survey the suitability of the area to assess the potential of setting up a power plant for the wind power generation business.

* Software business services in the category of Enterprise Software and Digital Content

* Engineering and technical services such as analysis and data processing of greenhouse gas usage in various business activities, etc

Source: Thai News Agency