15th National Assembly of Vietnam to Focus on Law Building in Upcoming Session


Hanoi - The 15th National Assembly (NA) of Vietnam is set to focus on law building and supervision work in its upcoming fourth working week from November 20-24. During this session, the NA deputies will dedicate November 21 to discussing reports from the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court and the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy.

According to Vietnam News Agency, They will review reports on crime prevention, law enforcement work, and anti-corruption activities in 2023. Additionally, the deputies will examine the handling of voters' petitions sent to the 5th session of the 15th NA, as well as the results of receiving citizens and handling complaints and denunciations in 2023.

The legislative work will involve examining various draft laws and resolutions, including amendments to the Law on Social Insurance and the Law on Credit Institutions. The NA is expected to vote on the amended Law on Telecommunications and the Law on Management and Protection of National Defence Works and Military Zones next week.